Meet Bethann.
I realized recently that a majority of the women I have been featuring in this series I met online. Never before would I have imagined that I would find dear friends who love Jesus through the internet! For so long I was skeptical that the Internet could be used for God’s glory, but this past year the Lord has shown me that wherever He is present and He is named, He can use it for good! I found Bethann (@
Elleizahbeth) on Instagram and fell in love with her pure, raw, genuine heart for Jesus! She shares her beautiful art that she creates and the message that God puts on her heart each day. You will be blessed, encouraged, and reminded of God’s faithfulness through following her! Grab a cup of coffee or tea and get to know my sweet friend Bethann!
Introduce yourself like we are having a cup of coffee together. 🙂 What kind of coffee/tea would you drink?
Oh, a yummy cup of coffee stirred with a good heart to heart is pretty much my favorite. I am definitely a lover of both coffee and of tea. I change what I get depending on my mood but a good standard for me is a soy latte. I guess I would start with my name (Beth Ann) and then tell you bits about me. I love Jesus a whole bunch. I have an art shop www.elleizahbeth.comso I get to doodle constantly. I really like worshipping Jesus and celebrating Him in everything I do. I love being around people but I actually love alone time even more. I have used the same perfume, shampoo, and body wash since middle schcool- I figure it’s a part of who I am. I get to nanny the two absolute sweetest babies (you can see our adventures at #owenandaudreytime on instagram). I am a part of the team at Thryve magazine (www.thryvemag.com) known for equipping and inspiring ladies to live fully alive in Jesus.
What is your definition of a “life lived beautifully”?
A life lived beautifully is one that radiates Jesus. It is being all in with Him and going wherever He leads. It is one that is not by any means lived perfectly, but lived well.
When did you start following Jesus?
I grew up in a Christian home and asked Him in my heart when I was really little. I did it again when I understood the relationship better when I was at a Christian camp in middle school. I loved Jesus and knew I was His but didn’t fully understand surrendering my whole heart to Him until I was in my early twenties. I was alone, I was upset, and I was desperate for Him and He met me there. Jeremiah 29:13 -which says “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”- finally clicked for me. I have not looked back since!
What are some verses you constantly cling to and bring life to your soul?
Ooh what a fantastic question! I would say that I have had different verses throughout my life that have really been my lifeline. For now, it is Psalm 63 in the Voice version..
O True God, You are my God, the One whom I trust.
I seek You with every fiber of my being.
In this dry and weary land with no water in sight,
my soul is dry and longs for You.
My body aches for You, for Your presence.
2 I have seen You in Your sanctuary
and have been awed by Your power and glory.
3 Your steadfast love is better than life itself,
so my lips will give You all my praise.
4 I will bless You with every breath of my life;
I will lift up my hands in praise to Your name.
5 My soul overflows with satisfaction, as when I feast on foods rich in marrow and fat;
with excitement in my heart and joy on my lips, I offer You praise.
6 Often at night I lie in bed and remember You,
meditating on Your greatness till morning smiles through my window.
7 You have been my constant helper;
therefore, I sing for joy under the protection of Your wings.
8 My soul clings to You;
Your right hand reaches down and holds me up.
How do you integrate sharing the Gospel with creativity?
I actually never considered myself an artist. Art was just a hobby for me or a random gift for someone here and there. Mostly, it was something I did in my time with Jesus. I would draw out what He was teaching me or paint something He had shared with me. It was our thing. One night a few years ago I heard Him say “Why aren’t you sharing this?” I knew from that moment forward I could not just keep what he was teaching me to myself. It is amazing to share Jesus with others in a way that catches their eye and prayerfully their heart. I didn’t even think it would become a business because I honestly just loved to share my art and what I was learning with everyone via social media. But, people started asking how they could buy my stuff and I was like “Okay I guess it’s time!” It has been such a joy to see what Jesus is teaching me come alive through art and end up in homes all over the place.
Share with us the vision behind the “elleizahbeth” Etsy shop.
My theme is “Celebrate Jesus”. Life with Him is so exciting and rich. I think art is a great way to capture a teeny piece of that. So, when people bring my art inside their homes I want it to reflect not only what Jesus is teaching me but almost include me in their Jesus party. Hahaha does that even make sense?
What is the message God has put on your heart to share with the women around you and on Instagram.
This is also something that changes depending on my season. But right now, it is all about trusting Jesus. Not merely trusting IN Him but trusting Him for who He is. In learning this kind of trust, I have unlocked a whole new level of depth and vulnerability with Him. A lot of my posts have reflected this over the span of this year.
If you could do anything for the glory of God, what would it be?
My anything would be to glorify Him in every single thing that I do. I know it sounds cliche and oversimplified but if I make the choice to be satisfied in Him and do what He’s asking of me, He will be most glorified in me. He has called me to Him and wherever He goes, I want to follow. All my creativity stems out of a heart that is willing.
If you could tell every woman reading this blog one thing God has laid on your heart, what would it be?
Just one!!!? Choose to be defined in Christ. Your title does not define you. Your husband does not define you. Your wealth does not define you. Your job does not define you. Your kids do not define you. Your season of life does not define you. Your church does not define you. Your past does not define you. You are the daughter of the most High. He calls you the apple of His eye. His inheritance belongs to you. Your identity is Jesus. Believe that, receive that, live that! xoxoxo
Follow Bethann on Instagram here! You can also purchase her beautiful artwork here!
Catch up on other stories of women who are living their life beautifully:
[…] Meet Bethann. I realized recently that a majority of the …read more […]
[…] Meet Bethann. I realized recently that a majority of the …read more […]