Life is too Short to be Wasted

January 12, 2016  - By Gretchen Saffles

I was cooking eggs and sausage for lunch. There were no lights on in the house and the cold wind pushed against the house. As I stirred the eggs my heart started counting up past grudges and was flooded with insecurities. Insecurity likes to invade our peaceful hearts in the most intrusive, unexpected ways. The eggs were finished cooking so I moved them to a plate as my mind was racing. I reached for the raspberries and started to wash them. The deep red color caught my eye. I almost missed the moment of enjoying these plump, fresh raspberries by allowing my soul to wallow in past bitter hurts and present worries. I stopped what I was doing and grabbed my notebook and confessed this declaration to the Lord. Life is too short, friends. It’s just too short to be wasted. We have been given everything we need in Christ Jesus our Lord. His blood covers past offenses. His sovereignty takes care of present worries. His grace runs to the deepest parts of our souls, pushing out sinful patterns and bringing in new rhythms of Christlike pursuit. Maybe this day you, too, need a reminder from something as simple as raspberries that life is just too short to be wasted not living for Christ. May this post be a “raspberry” in your day that reminds you that life is too short to not live with joy for our God Who is greater than anything in this world. 

Life is too short and the gospel is too good for us to waste it worrying about the small things, afraid to speak of the most important things, and unaware of God’s presence in all things.

It’s too short to be wasted spending our time on lesser things and not living for eternal things.

It’s too short to dream big dreams for the Lord and not work with all our might to honor Him in those big dreams.

It’s too short to stay inside the “boat” of your comfort zone when Jesus is standing on the water, calling you to step out onto the waves.

It’s too short to count yesterday’s hurts with today’s joys and it’s too short to let bitterness and envy occupy the space in your soul where Christ should be exalted. 

It’s too short to be more concerned with the approval of people than the approval of God and it’s too short to have little faith in our big God.

This day is one we will never get back.

Live this short life with all you’ve got loving the Lord your God with reckless abandon. Let this short life be a practice run for worshipping Jesus in eternity to come.

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  1. says:

    This is such a needed reminder, friend 🙂

  2. says:

    Woah, this is MY LIFE. Why I get so discouraged while I’m COOKING I don’t (always) know, but it’s definitely a time of challenge for me. The enemy is so subtle, these thoughts trickle in stealthily with a small annoyance and then I’m just so- vulnerable? Exhausted? Hurt. But God is GOOD and He gently reminds me that His ways are loving, He does not give thoughts that bind, discourage, or hurt me or others. Like you said, we ought not to count yesterday’s hurts with today’s joy nor give Christ’s place in my heart to bitterness! So good.

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