In our recent summer survey, one woman asked if we could do more “Bible study-alongs” on Instagram. I loved that and can’t wait for us to come together as a community across the world and open the Word of God together. On Monday, we are going to begin studying the book of Philippians together. For the past few months, the Lord has continually led me back to this portion of Scripture to build my life upon. The theme of this book is “Jesus at the center.” Every verse points back to our flawless, perfect Savior. He is worth running after with all of our energy. He is worthy of our praise and adoration. He is the answer to our need for contentment and our daily battles we face in this world. Jesus should be at the center of our life.
My prayer is that we would humbly come to God’s Word hungry each day with teachable hearts and willing spirits. I will post an Instagram each day with what the Lord is teaching me from the text. As much as I would love to do a daily blog post, I am not committing to that in this season with a newborn. If I am able to blog, I will post about it on Instagram and Facebook. I will be using the Give Me Jesus journal as we go through the study. We will break down each day using the format in the journal. My desire in this is that women would learn how to study the Bible on their own and be able to use the journal as a tool to daily open the Word and read! You can purchase your journal here to study with us.
Grab your Philippians reading guide here and share what you are learning on Instagram using the hashtag #wellwateredwomen. I look forward to diving deep into God’s Word with you. It is an incredible blessing to study with sisters in Christ all over the world and encourage each other to pursue Jesus each day! If you plan on participating in the study, I would love to meet you! Comment below and introduce yourself!
I am praying for you all today! And I am coming before the Lord with my hands wide open and my heart ready to be changed and to know Jesus more.
Your sister, Gretchen
My cousin purchased the give me Jesus journal for my 30th bday this year! Best present ..I started in it two days ago..thank you for your heart after God to develop a beautiful tool to meet Him in the word. I look forward to do this Philippians study! Psalm 16:11..11 You make known to me the path of life;
in your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. In His presence we shall have eternal overflow..His spirit shall fill us up with His word!
Good Morning Jamie!
That is one of my favorite verses – so full of promises! In His presence is fullness of joy and treasures. I pray we would dwell in His presence and soak up the truths of His Word together! So glad you are joining us!
your sister, Gretchen
Hi Gretchen, I’m Hannah. I’ve been following your Instagram for a while now and have a Give Me Jesus journal and have also won your proverbs 31 study. I live in Kentucky and I’m a registered nurse. My days are fast and busy but I’m grateful for this study and ready to commit to reading through a book of the bible with you and many others!
Hi Hannah!
I definitely understand how you feel about those fast and busy days! With a newborn at home, it feels like moments just slip by. But God has great treasure for us even in the busy moments. 🙂 Below Jamie quoted Psalm 16:11 and I love that it says in His presence is fullness of joy. We can be in His presence even when we are busy. He is that good of a God! Praying we would dwell on the truths of Philippians together and be changed by the Word!
Hi Gretchen, my name is Ashley and I’m from California. I work for a non profit organization in our local towns thrift store. I’ve been a believer of Christ my entire life but only committed and faithfully started to follow Him 2 1/2 years ago. Since that time until currently I’ve been in a world wind adventure with The Lord and last year gave birth to conjoined twins Peter and Paul who 3 days after birth the lord took them home. I also am actively involved in my local Celebrate Revovery ministry. I’m excited to dig deeper in the word and excited to see where the lord wants to take me in my journey.
Morning Ashley!
I wanted you to know that I am praying for you today! Wow, what an incredible testimony of God’s grace! Thank you for sharing with me about your two precious sons who are now with Jesus. Even their names speak of the work of God! Following the Lord truly is an adventure in every sense of the word. It is worth it. Celebrate Recovery is an incredible ministry! I know God is doing a work of redemption through your faithfulness. Excited to study with you!
your sister in Christ,
Hello my name is Jasmine Marie Hernandez. I am a teacher in Miami FL. I am currently on summer vacation, but during the school year I teach, tutor, and take classes for my Master’s degree. I am usually really
busy, and find it hard to find time to dig into the word. I have a give me Jesus journal which has been used less than I’d like. I am excited to join this study
in the hopes that it helps me get into the word every day! Thank you for this opportunity!
Hi Jasmine!
It is so nice to meet you! I am so glad you are joining in on the study during summer break! I pray it is a sweet time of refreshing for your soul and that God would stir a deep hunger in your heart for Him! Excited to study with you!
Hi, I’m Julie. I’ve been a Christian my whole life, but finding you (and several other wonderful ladies) on Instagram and using the Give Me Jesus journal and doing the Be Still and Know study have been really helpful in helping me to learn more about God and Jesus. I’m excited for a new study and new insight into Philippians, thank you so much!
Morning Julie!
It is so encouraging to hear from you! I wanted you to know that I am praying for you today as we all begin the study of Philippians!
I’m Dianne and I’m excited to go through this with you and the other ladies (and perhaps, men). I live in Colorado, am married happily ever after for nearly 29 years, and have two young adult sons. I love the Give Me Jesus Journal, as I think it’s helped me have a more consistent quiet time than I’ve had, probably ever. The book of Philippians is definitely a favorite, so I am looking forward to this. 🙂
Good Morning, Dianne!
I am so excited you are joining us! Philippians is such a powerful book. I heard John Piper say the other day that the Bible is bottomless because it has a divine Author. I am praying that we learn more truths from Philippians that we have never seen before through the Holy Spirit teaching our hearts!
Excited to study with you!
We are a little behind you girls, but we will catch up. My sweet sister in law and friend are diving in. We just got our journals and we are starting today. She’s in NC and I’m in FL, so once a week we are going to touch base over Skype. Thank you so much for putting this together. Please keep us in prayer.
Michelle and Krista
My name is Hannah, I’m 18 years old, I’m from Ohio, and I’m preparing to transition into college this fall. I came across the Give Me Jesus Journal on instagram through the popular page, and I was instantly drawn into it and the passion your instagram account has for the Lord. It’s definitely something I need more of. Therefore, I ordered the journal this week and I’m expecting it to arrive on Monday. I’m looking forward to investing more time with Jesus with the format you have layed out and just purely facing the challenges I have as I walk with the Lord and making the right decisions as I’m in college and through my daily life. I know I’m a little behind on the Philippians bible study but I plan to catch up and feed from it. Jesus at the center of my life is a strong prayer and something I have recently been awfully falling from. I can’t wait to share what God speaks through me and what I personally learn throughout this trek. Thank you for being such an inspiration.
– Hannah
I am a little late reading this post but I am so excited to learn better how to study God’s Word and process through scripture!