One day, I wake up before dawn. I start the day soaking in the Word while sipping my coffee.
The next, I press snooze and get to bedtime without cracking open my Bible.
One day, I hear alarming news. I still praise God and trust him with what’s to come.
The next, I find myself questioning him and worrying about tomorrow.
One day, Christ is first in my heart. Everything else falls into place.
The next, I put him second and the dominos start to fall. I cannot catch them all because I don’t go to him for help.
The struggle is real. But God’s faithfulness leads us forward to grow in grace, delight in spiritual discipline, and live with eternal perspective.
What is it that makes the difference between these two contrasting days? The difference is what is put first, or shall I say, who is put first.
First Things First
C.S. Lewis pinpointed the root of this struggle explaining, “You can’t get second things by putting them first. You can get second things only by putting first things first.” If we want to have a full, abundant life on earth, we won’t get it by seeking the things of this world. Second things can only be enjoyed by putting Christ first. When spending time with Jesus is the first thing we do, when thinking about his Word fills our mind first thing, when we come back to him again and again throughout the day, the second things fall into place.
If second things are the center of our lives, we quickly lose all stability. See, second things can be stripped away at any moment.
- Good health can be lost with one test at the doctor’s office.
- A comfortable home can be lost in one storm.
- A large bank account can be lost with one tragedy.
- Our social media account can be lost with one change in the platform’s policy.
Anything you think of on this earth can be lost in the blink of an eye. When second things are first in our hearts, our lives fall apart when we lose them. But when first things are the delight of our soul—spending time with God in fellowship through Scripture, prayer, and worship—we hold the greatest treasure in the world that cannot be stripped from us.
What’s First in Your Life?
So let me ask you a question I ask my own heart often: what is first in your life? What do you think about first thing? When the alarm goes off? When the sudden news of disaster reaches your doorstep? Or when lies clang like cymbals in your mind, causing your nerves to stand on edge? Before anything else, behind closed doors, what does your heart desire?
If the answer is anything but Jesus, now is the right time to confess your need for him and come back to his Word. The beautiful thing is when Christ is first in your life, you have everything to gain. When we treasure Christ, we are actually able to enjoy the things of this world to the fullest! Christ doesn’t drain the joy out of the second things in life…he adds to them.
Helping You Put Christ First Thing
The First Things Collection was created with the desire to help you put Jesus first in your life, your schedule, your thoughts, and your heart. If we want to have second things—joy in motherhood, passion in our work, flourishing relationships, and peace-filled homes—then we have to begin by putting first things first. Putting Christ first, or as we like to say, putting the Word before the world, will produce ripple effects in the rest of your day. Second things reap when Christ is first thing. We pray these tools from our new collection will help you put Christ first:
New Additions to the Shop
Give Me Jesus Journal: Our best-selling quiet time journal since 2014, this updated journal is designed to be an open door for you to spend time with the Lord. Through practicing the spiritual disciplines of Bible study, gratitude, Scripture memory, and prayer, we pray that Christ will be exalted in your life as you use this journal.
Word Before World Scripture Memory Journal: This resource is meant to help you be like the blessed man in Psalm 1 whose delight is in the law of the LORD because he meditates on it day and night. Take this journal with you anywhere you go to help you hide God’s Word in your heart.
Bible Study Sticker Book: Designed to help God's Word literally and figuratively stick in your Bible, journal, and day-to-day life, this resource is full of hundreds of stickers to help you visualize and track themes within Scripture.
In the Word Accessory Pouch: This beautiful, functional pouch wraps around your journal or Bible to keep all your study materials organized as you spend time digging deeply in God's Word.
Word Before World Bookmark: Use this as a beautiful way to mark where you’ve left off in God’s Word and as a helpful resource to have nearby when reading your Bible (one side features a step-by-step guide on how to study the Bible)!
Highlighter Set: Use these new highlighters to study Scripture, get creative with journaling, or highlight the first things on your to-do list. They’re perfect for marking text in your Bible—use the chisel tip for a broad stroke and the bullet tip to write or underline.
Because He’s Before All Things, We Put Him First Thing
This world is against us getting into the Word of God. Our phones tell us we are missing out if we aren’t up-to-date. Our to-do lists tell us we are failures if we aren’t marking things off “like a boss.” But Christ calls us to come and find rest for our souls (Matt. 11:28–29). He is before all things, and in him all things hold together, including your life (Col. 1:17). Join me in putting Jesus First Thing…not just in the morning, but at noon and in the evening and in every moment in between.
Putting first things first,
Gretchen, Founder of Well-Watered Women
P.S. Shop the new First Things Collection in the Well-Watered Co.! Today through Friday, use FIRSTTHINGS10 to save 10% on the new collection items or save 20% automatically when you bundle!
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