In God’s Word in Seasons of Normalcy

April 28, 2022  - By Lauren Washer

In Gods Word in Seasons of Normlacy-An Article from Well-Watered Women

I settle into the couch, letting my slippers fall quietly to the floor. My Bible sits next to me, a new journal in my lap. Slowly I begin to move the pen, thoughts filling the page in the early morning hours. I shut my journal and open the Bible study book I recently began. Today is Week One, Day Four. But I don’t remember what I read yesterday. Oh, yeah: Galatians. Is Bible study doing any good if I can’t recall yesterday’s words? What happened to the excitement, passion, and eagerness I used to feel when I opened my Bible? Is something wrong with me? I feel content with my everyday life. Shouldn’t seasons of normalcy, free from trials and difficulties, stir up a deeper sense of awe in God’s Word?

The next day, I ask a friend if I should be concerned. Normally I can’t wait to slip out of bed when the alarm goes off. Not now, though. Bible study isn’t necessarily boring, but it does feel, well, normal. Mundane even.

My friend assures me there’s nothing wrong. Are you learning? she asks. Do you believe God’s Word is true? Yes and yes, I reply. She tells me that sometimes we go through seasons when Scripture doesn’t strike us as much as it did during seasons of fresh growth, transition, anxiety, or grief. When you're in a season of normalcy, you don’t feel as desperate. You may not come to God’s Word with the same sense of neediness as other seasons, but it doesn’t mean your need lessens. Keep reading, she says. Trust God to work in this season of everyday life.

Her response relieved me. I was beginning to think something was wrong with my spiritual life.

When the Spark Disappears

If you’ve been reading the Bible for any length of time, you can probably relate to the feeling described above. Sometimes God’s Word doesn’t inspire or thrill us like we think it should. Maybe someone’s description of a vibrant “quiet time” or “daily devotions” created an expectation of ever-increasing delight in regular Bible reading. Somehow we grew to believe that genuine followers of Christ are always excitedly embracing daily time with the Lord in his Word. So, if the spark we once felt disappears—or if it hasn’t ever arrived—we question our faith, doubt the necessity of reading the Bible, or give up altogether. 

Is it important to remain in God’s Word when it feels just as normal as our daily grind?

Yes. Everyday life doesn’t negate our need for spiritual growth. Spiritual growth isn’t reserved for only hard times or overly joyous ones. Our need for God doesn’t change just because we don’t feel like we need him. Challenges will come again. Our joy may wane. Life might become hard and our faith may waver—tomorrow. 

We can trust the steady, sure, and satisfying truth of God's Word to sustain us in the days to come, even as we plod along in his Word today.

 Follow A Plan in Seasons of Normalcy

When we grow weary of everyday life, we often try to create excitement somewhere. We might try out a fancy recipe, get a new haircut, or buy a fun top to wear with our favorite jeans. There’s nothing wrong with creating excitement to spice up the mundane. But this approach may not be helpful with our Bible study. Instead of bouncing from one study to another to try and ignite a spiritual spark, we may be better served by following a Bible reading plan and sticking to it.

During the season of normalcy I described above, I followed my friend’s advice and kept studying Galatians. Each day, I opened up my Bible, read the passage, and answered the questions. Honestly, sometimes it felt like I was checking off a box. Other days, I truly felt like I was learning and growing. God does the work in our hearts to grow and change us, but we participate with him in the process (Phil. 2:13). Consistent Bible reading is one way to train ourselves to be godly, even if it feels like it’s not doing anything (1 Tim. 4:7b). A Bible reading plan can help us resist the urge to allow our emotions to dictate our spiritual life.

Study With a Friend in Seasons of Normalcy

Bible reading has primarily been a personal practice for me. I choose a book of the Bible to study and work my way through on my own. Occasionally, this coincides with a women’s Bible study group at church or the sermon series our pastor is preaching through. But just before I began my study on Galatians, I invited a friend to join me. I’m so glad I did. Her participation with me during this season of everyday Bible reading provided the missing spark. 

Each time we met to discuss what we learned, she taught me something. God used her articulation of biblical truth to encourage and refresh my faith. Her spark was contagious.

God’s Word is an essential component to Christian community (Col. 3:16). Our brothers and sisters in Christ can help to excite our faith as they share the joy of their own. Learning from God’s Word together is one of the gifts of belonging to the body of Christ.

Trust the Power of God’s Word in Seasons of Normalcy

God’s Word doesn’t lose its power when we lose our passion. In other words, the effectiveness of God’s Word in our lives isn’t up to us. If we’re sad, God’s Word still offers joy (Ps. 19:8). When we doubt who God is and what he’s done, his Word remains true (Ps. 19:9). Our emotions are shifting, but God’s Word is steady, stable, and sure. 

God’s Word is powerful to change us in the midst of everyday life (Heb. 4:12). Our life could take an unexpected turn, and the Holy Spirit will use yesterday’s Bible study to help us fight off our sin or engage with an unexpected challenge (Eph. 6:16–17). God’s Word will never fail to accomplish what he intends (Isa. 55:11). Eventually, the daily deposits we make into our souls will reap a harvest.

As we continue to come to God’s Word in the midst of everyday life, eventually our hearts will be filled with wonder. Like the psalmist, we will say, “My heart stands in awe of your words” (Ps. 119:161).


Meet the Author

Lauren Washer is passionate about helping women to know and love God more through a deeper understanding of the Bible. She teaches the Bible and serves on the women’s ministry team at her local church. She and her husband Bradley, live with their six children in Norfolk, VA. You can connect with her through her monthly newsletter, Hidden Treasure, or on Instagram.


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In Gods Word in Seasons of Normlacy-An Article from Well-Watered Women story

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  1. Sagive says:

    Really an enriching article. Can you please share with me more.

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