“I can’t wait for this season to end,” I grumbled to my husband. I was working around the clock to make ends meet, but the budget was still tight. If only I could get a job that paid enough, then I would work cheerfully. As we drove home, one thought consumed my mind: if only I was there and not here.
When we walk through challenging seasons, we’re prone to fix our eyes on our present circumstances. As we become overwhelmed, we long for this season to end and for the next one to begin. We believe that when our season changes, so will our attitude.
The truth is that every season has its own set of joys and challenges. The key is not found in changing seasons but in whom you fix your eyes upon. No matter our circumstances, knowledge of God through his Word sustains, transforms, and equips us by giving us everything we need for life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3).
Fix Your Eyes on Jesus
To know who God is, we need to open our Bibles. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus showed his disciples how the Scriptures pointed to him (24:27). Jesus is both the founder and perfecter of our faith. He has gone before us and set an example of endurance to the point of the cross (Heb. 12:2)! For this reason, we must fix our eyes on him in every season.
Sister, open the living and active Word of God in every season (Heb. 4:12)! Steal away a few minutes of the day to let the Word of God speak to your current situation. When you seek the Lord with all your heart, the Lord meets you, comforts you, sustains you, changes you, nourishes you, and reveals himself to you. Like Gretchen Saffles says, “The Word of God never changes, but it always changes us.” As we seek him in every season, the Lord changes our earthly perspective to a kingdom-focused perspective. No season is wasted when we seek the Lord in every season.
Be Faithful in Every Season
We often miss the joy and growth in our current season because we cannot wait for it to end. As we become overwhelmed in our current season, we believe that if our circumstances were to improve, we would be able to spend more time in the Word, grow, bear fruit, and rejoice in our circumstances. But when we have this mentality, we keep on missing out in every season because we’re longing for the next one to start.
We can be faithful in seeking God despite our circumstances. The psalmist said that blessed is the man who delights in the law of the Lord and meditates on it day and night (Ps. 1:1–3). King David’s life was filled with trials, sorrow, the sting of sin, and persecution. But through it all, the Lord was his fortress and salvation. He fixed his eyes on the promise to come, Jesus, and was able to delight in the Lord in every season, despite his circumstances. He found his delight in the Lord through his law, the Torah, the Word of God! We can, too.
Even in the smallest moments of the day, reading the Word, listening to the Word, or meditating on a verse makes a big difference. Be faithful in opening the Word and trust the Lord to do the work of changing your heart for his glory. There is growth—even when we can’t see it—when we are faithful in every season.
In The Word in Every Season
Sister, let’s commit to putting the Word before the world in every season! Through the ups and downs of this life, let’s find our delight in the Word of the Lord. This may be more challenging in certain seasons of life, but it is possible when you put him first. Here are a few tips for seeking the Lord in every season:
- Set aside a daily time to read and journal the Word.
- Listen to the Word.
- Meditate on a verse throughout the day.
- Open your Bible app to read the Word instead of scrolling through social media.
I pray “that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Col. 1:9–10). Sister, when you commit to knowing God through his Word, you are able to rejoice, grow, and bear fruit in every season.
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