Give Me Jesus Journal Survey

February 3, 2016  - By Gretchen Saffles

It’s that time again when I roll my sleeves up, get on my knees, get my hands dirty and create the new Give Me Jesus journal. This journal is dear to my heart. It is the core of why I create for Life Lived Beautifully. I want women to love Jesus. I want them to live for what will last. I want them to find satisfaction, joy, and purpose in this life. And I know that this can only be found in a whole-hearted pursuit of Jesus Christ. The purpose of this quiet time journal is to be a tool that points women to Him. 

Since I started creating this journal in 2014, it has gone through several revisions. Each time I work on a new version, I start with open hands and a willing heart to change, tweak, and alter certain aspects of the journal. As I work on the new version and pray through the new verses, quotes, and design of the journal, I would love to hear feedback from those of you who have used the journal. 

If you could take a few moments to fill out this survey that would assist me in creating this new journal! One woman will be chosen randomly to win the new Give Me Jesus journal when it comes out!

Grateful for you all. My heart truly overflows when I think of you and the work God is doing in our hearts!

your sister,


Take the Give Me Jesus journal survey here!

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  1. Grace Blomberg says:

    Hi Gretchen,

    It’s going to be a bit random to just post right on this post, but it has to go somewhere! 🙂 I just wanted to say a HUGE thanks for the ministry you’ve created with such intention to stir women’s hearts closer to Christ. I was reading back through some of the posts I hadn’t read yet on the blog and I stumbled upon the "Read a Mentor" post… it came to mind that I definitely have found a mentor through you and your words, whether it’s through your blog, Instagram or other social media. Although we’ve never met, I am so inspired by the way you are so encouraging and genuine in your pursuit to point us in the direction of the Lord. You might just get these types of thank-you comments all the time (I hope you do because I wouldn’t be surprised!!) but I do hope and pray that you take this one personally and to the heart.

    I am just so incredibly thankful for stumbling upon your ministry and I have definitely been stirred closer to the Lord because of it. In my past, I’ve been so guilty of having the thought of a "perfect" quiet time with a beautiful set-up but not quite knowing how to go about it. I can just relate so well with many of your thoughts! I haven’t yet purchased a Give Me Jesus journal (I’m a college student and the funds aren’t quite there!) but I am hoping to buy one someday because it is a beautifully-made, intentional product. Again, thanks for all you do Gretchen (and the rest of the team)! 🙂 Praying that God continues to bless your ministry as you focus your efforts for His glory.

    Your sister in Christ,

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