Rejoicing In the Unseen {Day 3}

May 14, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

Today we are diving into 1 Peter 1:6-12, a passage rich in truth that will change your life. Watch this video to hear what I learned!

God is calling me to a faith that doesn’t focus on the seen, but the unseen. But in order for me to have faith that lives for the eternal and isn’t distracted by the temporal, I must work hard. 1 Peter 1:6 reveals to us that our faith must be tested to be genuine. It reminds of Job, who walked through the fires of loss, grief and despair. Yet through his suffering, he was able to say these courageous, hope-filled words: “But he knows the way that I take; when he has tried me, I shall come out as gold.”  (Job 23:10) This is the purpose of the “multi-colored” trials we face each day. God desires that your faith and your life be radiantly pure and brilliantly shine His glory. This cannot happen without walking through fiery trials with our eyes set on Jesus as He burns the world out of us and His character into us.

Lord, burn the self out of me so that only You can be seen through my life. Amen.

What did you learn from 1 Peter today? How will your life be different? Read Hebrews 11 today and write down what faith-in-action looks like. Ask the Lord to reveal to you how He wants you to walk faithfully so that He may be glorified. I want to be a women like Enoch whose only legacy was that he lived a life that “pleased God.” (Hebrews 11:5-6)

your sister,


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  1. says:

    Oh to look at trials in a different way – seeing what good and glory God is going to reveal, instead of drowning in worry which steals my joy and causes ugliness to erupt out of me! I want Jesus stamped on my eyeballs as a reminder who to look to and live for!

  2. Lu Ann Pruhs says:

    Oh to look at trials in a different way – seeing what good and glory God is going to reveal, instead of drowning in worry which steals my joy and causes ugliness to erupt out of me! I want Jesus stamped on my eyeballs as a reminder who to look to and live for!

  3. Mandy says:

    What a blessing and encouragement this video was to me this morning!

    • says:

      I am so grateful it encouraged you Mandy! It made me happy to see you are going through this study! I loved studying 1 Peter:)

  4. says:

    I just started walking through 1Peter this week and yesterday when I read this section I was struck by the trials refining us and bringing out the good genuineness of our faith! Also, thank you for these videos you posted so long ago and for the explanation of the angels. I wasn’t sure what that spoke of and didn’t have time to look into it!

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