Fill Your Ears With Truth: Helpful Podcasts

April 13, 2020  - By Gretchen Saffles

Well-Watered Women Blog-Fill Your Ears With Truth-Resources for Quarantine

Staying Connected in Social Distancing

During this time of “social distancing,” God has provided incredible opportunities to stay connected to the body of Christ through the internet. Though the online world can be a dark place, God, in His infinite wisdom and power, can pierce the darkness with the truth and the light of Christ! Churches aren’t shutting down due to what’s happening around the world. Instead, they are still active through streaming online services, video calls, and internet resources. 

Aside from remaining committed to your local church during this time of social distancing, one way to continue stirring your affections for Christ and using the time we have at home wisely is to listen to truth and encouragement through podcasts. There are countless gospel-centered podcasts available, and it would be impossible to list them all. I do want to share some recent interviews I have been able to do with friends on various podcasts! I hope these interviews encourage you to trust the Lord during this time—and in every season of life. 

If there are other podcasts that strengthen your heart and spark your faith, comment and leave the link to them below to encourage others! Remember, there’s a plethora of information online. Choose wisely when you pick something to read or listen to, because what you fill your ears with will, in turn, impact the direction of your life. Commit to filling your ears with the truth that leads you to Jesus and full life in Him!


Podcasts on Theology + Bible Study

How to Read the Bible (and Actually Understand What It Means): Girls Night Podcast

This was a fun episode to record with Stephanie May Wilson! If you are new to Bible study, listen in. I hope this encourages you to open the Word!

Everyday Theology: Humanity with Mary Wiley

I recently was on the Everyday Theology podcast discussing humanity from a biblical standpoint. We talk through what God says about man and who we are through Christ. Plus, the entire series Mary is doing is worth listening to! You can also check out her study, Everyday Theology, here!

How to Study the Bible for the Everyday Woman: Do The Thing Movement

In this episode with Rebecca Dotson George, we talk about what it means to have a “quiet time,” some misconceptions of quiet times, and what it means to be a biblically literate woman!

Loving God’s Word: Journeywomen Podcast

The Journeywomen podcast is one of my favorite podcasts, and this conversation with Hunter we recorded a few years ago is still just as true today. We talk about what it looks like to love God’s Word and pursue a life centered around it!

Podcasts on Anxiety + Mental Health

The Well-Watered Woman: The Living Room with Joanna Weaver

This conversation with Joanna Weaver was a joy. Joanna has been an encouragement and mentor in my life these past few years! In this episode, we talk about the season of anxiety I walked through and what it means to be a well-watered woman. 

Anxiety and God’s Sufficient Grace: Knowing Motherhood

Anxiety is rampant in our culture and in our hearts. I know this firsthand and have struggled with panic attacks and anxiety in these recent years. In this episode I share my story openly with the hope that other women will know they are not alone, and God is good and faithful even in our battle with fear and anxiety!

How To Stop Believing the Lies: No One Told Me Podcast

The title for this one speaks for itself. This conversation was raw and unfiltered and honest, and I hope that in it you’ll experience the grace and mercy of Jesus!

Podcasts on Life + Motherhood + Following Jesus

Balancing Babies, A Growing Ministry, and Biblical Accuracy: Refine and Restore

If you are a working mama or in ministry, I hope this episode with Rachel Swanson encourages you to seek wisdom and give these days to the Lord!

Looking to Christ in Work and Motherhood: Risen Motherhood

This is another older episode, but in it I talk with my dear friends Emily and Laura of Risen Motherhood about what it means to seek Jesus as a working mama. 

Making an Impact With Your Platform: Online and Offline – Behind the Bliss

Ever since the rise of social media and its prevalence in our lives, God has stirred an unrelenting passion in my heart to see Christians use the internet as a tool for the Kingdom and sharing the good news of the Gospel! In this episode, I talk with Rachel Awtrey about what it looks like to make an impact online and offline.

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Well-Watered Women Blog | Podcasts to Listen to During this Season to Fill Up on Truth.

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