Exceedingly and Abundantly More

July 31, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

Reading: Philippians 4:14-20

Be Still And Know:

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

Drink Deep From The Well:

Today is the last day of our Philippians study and my heart couldn’t be more grateful for this time we have spent diving deep into this text. Paul couldn’t have said it better in verse 19 – we have every single thing we could ever need in Christ Jesus. I don’t want to just write that, I want to believe it when hard times come, when I feel discouraged, when prayers seem to go unanswered, and when a day is overwhelming. Christ is enough in all situations, at all times, in all things. May God write this truth on our hearts forever and may we not just write these words, but believe that He truly is enough.

Grateful for each one of you! I will keep you posted on the next online study we will do! For now, I am going to take a few weeks off to work on our upcoming “Planted” study that will be coming out this fall!

Grace And Peace,


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  1. Mandy M says:

    Gretchen, I slowly worked my way through this study and Jesus met me right where I was in some powerful ways. Thank you for pointing us to Jesus through your work!

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