Elizabeth McCravy: A Well-Watered Woman

February 16, 2018  - By Well-Watered Women

Today we have the pleasure of introducing you to Elizabeth McCravy! Elizabeth is our newest team member and Marketing Manager.

Introduce yourself as if we were on a coffee date! Tell us about yourself. Would you be drinking coffee or tea?

I’m Elizabeth McCravy! I own Speak Social Agency – a website design, branding and marketing company.  I’m married to my high school sweetheart Adam, who works for the Christian ministry Young Life.  We live right outside of Nashville in the sweet town of Franklin, Tennessee! I love all things design and marketing strategy, reading mystery novels and spending time outside. If we were hanging out right now, I would fix you a delicious cup of coffee – bulletproof style!

When did you start following Jesus?

I started following Jesus my junior year of high school. Like many people who grew up in church, I was baptized at an early age and for a long time my faith was just all I knew. After struggling for over a year in high school with doubts about Jesus’ realness, he pulled me back to him. I realized my brokenness and that the way I was living was not what I wanted. Jesus was right there beside me all along. I found myself on my hands and knees in prayer accepting Jesus as my savior for real one night, and it changed my life forever!

What is your definition of a Well-Watered Woman?

I believe a Well-Watered Woman is someone who looks to the mirror of God’s Word to be fed instead of the mirror of the world. She finds satisfaction in Christ.

How do you give Jesus the first moments of your day?

When I first wake up, I love to pour myself a cup of coffee, snuggle up in my cozy lounge chair, then dive into devotional time. Each day varies slightly, but it always involves journaling prayers and/or reading the Word. I also love to spend 5 minutes meditating to clear my mind. One thing I’ve been trying to do this year is really give Jesus those very FIRST moments of the day. I’m always tempted to check my text messages or emails first thing, but I know my day is better when I come to Him renewed and not with a cluttered mind.

What sort of spiritual season do you find yourself in now? What verses are you clinging to in this season?

Right now my life feels like it’s in a season of hustle as my business is growing and I’m taking on new opportunities (like working with Well-Watered Women)! This makes clinging to Jesus and spending time in His word even MORE important.

I’m currently doing a 12 week study on the book of James. I’ve been struck by James 1:19: “You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” This scripture doesn’t just apply to our relationships with others. It applies to our relationship with our Savior.  I have been asking myself, how can I listen with focus to what God has to tell me? How can I let God do the talking more? How can I be slow to anger when things don’t go my way?

What intentional daily habits help you remain rooted deeply in the Word of God?

For me, it’s about making sure that time in prayer or in the Word happen, no matter how busy or stressed I feel. If you’re like me and you enjoy the benefits of exercising regularly, then you know that making it to the gym doesn’t just “happen.” You have to make sacrifices to make it to the gym – like maybe less sleep or no TV time. But, you make it happen because you see the benefits of it. In the same way, we have got to fight for time with Jesus. Spending time in the Word doesn’t just happen without planning it. By scheduling our day around Jesus, we can give Him the most important moments of the day instead of our leftovers. Then, we will be refreshed and renewed because He is faithful to meet us right where we are.

Who is a “well-watered mentor” or example in your life, and how has she helped you become a well-watered women?

In college, I led Young Life with an amazing woman named Virginia. Virginia is someone who overflows the love of God onto everyone around her! She makes much of Jesus. She taught me what it looks like to share the Gospel boldly with the high school girls we were leading. And, Virginia and her husband, Steve, did our marriage counseling, and he performed our wedding ceremony!

What books are you currently reading or have you recently read and would recommend to our community?

My husband and I just finished reading The Road Back to You by Ian Cron and Suzanne Stabile, which is a Christian book about the enneagram. This book was life changing for me, and reading it was a truly emotional experience as I dove into my personality type and the self-defeating ways I am prone to think and live. As the the book puts it, the Enneagram is for “people who want to get out of their own way and become who they were created to be.” In order to know God, we need to also know ourselves. This book will help you do just that!

If you could tell every woman on this blog one piece of wisdom what would it be?

Christ is more than enough to satisfy you. This world is His, and it is filled with beauty and wonder, but only Christ can satisfy that deep longing of your heart. It can not be filled by a romantic relationship, a successful career, a beautiful body, or a multitude of friendships. Christ alone is what completes us.

Where do you find your identity, and how is it different than where you may have placed your identity in the past?

I find my identity by knowing that I am a daughter of the Lord. And what a blessing and gift that is! I have struggled with finding my identity in what I do or in what other people tell me I am.

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