Bonnie Willoughby: a Well-Watered Woman

February 8, 2018  - By Well-Watered Women

Today we have the pleasure of introducing our newest team member to you! We were blown away by the response we received from you all as we were in the hiring process. We combed through hundreds of applications for our Customer Care Specialist, and we prayed that the Lord would show us the right woman for the position. We are thrilled to introduce Bonnie Willoughby, our new Customer Care Specialist. Bonnie will be the one answering your emails or questions on social media, ensuring that you have a pleasant customer experience, and contributing to the community of Well-Watered Women in the coming weeks and months. Read more from Bonnie below!

Introduce yourself as if we were on a coffee date! Tell us about yourself. Would you be drinking coffee or tea? 

Hello! I’m Bonnie, a wife, stay-at-home-mama, and homeschool teacher! My husband and my two daughters are my sweetest calling to date! I’ll have a lemonade, because I am not a coffee or tea kind of gal. 😉 

When did you start following Jesus?

I trusted Jesus as a ten year old after realizing what it really cost Jesus to lay down His life for mine. Funny story, I actually came to that realization while watching Lord of the Rings with my family one night! 

What is your definition of a Well-Watered Woman?

A Well-Watered Woman is someone who relies on Jesus for her sustenance in all things. She is a woman whose spirit is daily renewed and refreshed by the Living Water. She gives priority to the Lord and His Word and studies it intentionally and joyfully! 

How do you give Jesus the first moments of your day?

When my husband and I first got married, we were both working corporate jobs and would get up early before work and have our quiet time with the Lord together. As I dropped out of the workforce to stay at home, we began having that time in the evenings after the girls had gone to bed. It’s a sweet time to study alongside my husband. But after hearing the “Word Before World” slogan, I have begun reconsidering my morning habits! I plan to incorporate reading the Word and prayer into my first waking moments, so as to “tune myself to the Lord’s melody” before anything else. 

What sort of spiritual season do you find yourself in now? What verses are you clinging to in this season? 

Right now, I am in a season of deep gratitude. I have been blessed with many sweet gifts from the Lord in the last few months; some of them even coming out of extremely difficult situations. I have seen His provision, His redemptive work, His overflow of mercy and grace, and I stand in awe of His goodness. 

As I navigate my many roles in life (as one does being married with kids) I have clung to Matthew 25:21 which is part of the Parable of the Talents. After one of the servants is found to have been responsible in his tasks, “His master said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’” It is my dearest wish to be found faithful in the tasks the Lord has set before me, big and small. Sometimes I have to remind myself that even though I may think being at home with children all day is a “small thing” it is actually one of the biggest things I could be set over! And I need to enter into it joyfully! It has been a profound encouragement to me.

What intentional daily habits help you remain rooted deeply in the Word of God? 

My husband and I are each other’s spiritual barometers. We encourage each other to stay in the Word, we discuss what we’re studying and hold each other accountable to be faithful in our quiet times. I also use a “Give Me Jesus” Journal as a guide when going through sections of Scripture.

Who is a “well-watered mentor” or example in your life, and how has she helped you become a well-watered women? 

I am blessed to have three women in my life who have all individually displayed a well-watered woman’s character. The first is my mother. She has shown me all my life what pouring over the Word looks like, and seeing it pour back into her. She has a passion for Jesus that is astounding. The second is my mother-in-law who has given me a clear template of what it looks like to be a well-watered woman in marriage. She has a gentle and quiet spirit which God considers especially precious. It has been a privilege to watch her testimony! And the third is my pastor’s wife, who teaches me how to be well-watered in ministry. She and my pastor meet with us weekly to have ministry-training and it has been an invaluable time of instruction and growth. She is a gem of a woman!

What books are you currently reading or have you recently read and would recommend to our community?

Heaven by Randy Alcorn is incredible. My father passed away in June of 2016 and it has been such an encouragement to read this book and gain a better understanding of what the Bible says about our eternal home as believers, Heaven. I have shed tears of joy and gratitude reading that book. 

If you could tell every woman on this blog one piece of wisdom what would it be? 

Take joy in your walk with Christ and seek Him whole-heartedly. You will never regret running after Him with every ounce of your heart and mind. Get to know Him. Study His Word, and learn His character. As Jen Wilkin said in Women of the Word, “Your heart cannot love what your mind does not know.”

Where do you find your identity, and how is it different than where you may have placed your identity in the past? 

I find my identity in the Lord. In who I am as His child and His ambassador. I used to define myself by what I did, or what I enjoyed. But these are by-products of my identity, not the Originator. I am the Lord’s, and His alone!  

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