The Meaning of Advent Advent is a Latin word that means “coming.” There are two Advents in Scripture. The first Advent was the incarnation of Christ, and the second Advent refers to the future event of Christ’s return to defeat Satan forever and restore God’s kingdom.  As Christians, we base our entire lives upon the […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Savor the Savior This Advent

When Faith Falters Not again, I thought to myself as I scrolled my news feed and read an article about a Christian leader “deconstructing” their faith. In recent years, several Christian leaders have boldly taken a stand for a message that is contrary to the gospel and in stark opposition to Scripture. I’ve also watched […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Clarity in an Age of Confusion

Treasured Memories My mom decided to take on the feat of organizing old family photos during the quarantine. Each time I visited my parents, I’d join my mama in the basement. I helped her sift through hundreds of photos. We wouldn’t get too far before stopping to talk about a memory burned into our minds. […]

A Living Legacy: Give Me Jesus

By Gretchen Saffles

A Change of Plans 2020 has not been what anyone expected. When I wrote down my dreams for this year on January 1st, it did not involve a global pandemic or worldwide unrest. We are over halfway through the year. But chances are, you’re feeling tired, soul-weary, and a little offbeat. As I’ve dug deep […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Pressing Pause to Press Into Jesus

An Unusual Birthday Today I turn 31, and today I should be delivering our third baby. It’s a strange feeling to celebrate life and mourn death on the same day. I remember it like it was yesterday. We’d gone to church that morning, and as I sat in the back, I felt a bit “off” […]

By Gretchen Saffles

The Day Death Entered My Womb

Staying Connected in Social Distancing During this time of “social distancing,” God has provided incredible opportunities to stay connected to the body of Christ through the internet. Though the online world can be a dark place, God, in His infinite wisdom and power, can pierce the darkness with the truth and the light of Christ! […]

Fill Your Ears With Truth: Helpful Podcasts

By Gretchen Saffles

“Count it all joy…”  These introductory words from the New Testament letter of James have been tumbling around in my mind. They’re giving me gut punches when I want to complain, and comforting my heart when discouragement threatens my peace. The question strikes my heart: is it really possible to “count it all joy” in […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Can We Count It All Joy in a Global Pandemic?

Reserved for a Special Occasion On an average Sunday morning, I put on a dress as I get ready for church. I recently bought it on sale, and the small floral pattern brings a smile to my face. When I glance in the mirror, I stop and think, “This dress looks like an Easter dress.” […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Every Day Gratitude

Choosing Intentionality Don’t waste your quarantine. Yes, I know it’s inconvenient and very unsettling. I know plans are drastically changed and a new normal hasn’t been set in place. But even still, don’t waste these days. Some day this quarantine will end. Some day things will be back to the norm. But will we look […]

Don’t Waste Your Quarantine

By Gretchen Saffles

Full-Blown Panic A few years ago I had my first full-blown panic attack. To say it caught me off-guard and knocked me off my feet would be an understatement. Until that point, I had lived life going 100 mph at all times, like a speeding train with no brakes. I learned the hard way in […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Peace, Not Panic

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