The new season is upon us. One of waiting in joyful, hope-filled anticipation for our Savior. Do you feel it inside of you? Are you staying your heart on Christ? It is all too easy for us to mistake busyness at Christmas time with enjoying God. A few years ago I learned about the importance of Advent. Advent is a time of waiting and preparation for the arrival of Jesus. Each year we wait again and relive the glory of the Gospel in December. Jesus has already come as a baby, He has already lived as a sinless human, He has already died on the cross to demolish sin’s power and give us eternal life, and He has already risen as King and Savior. But our hearts are quick to forget. We are quick to gloss over the immense power of this story. And there is one thing we are waiting on to happen – Jesus’ coming again.
And so we wait, friends, in hope, in joy, in patience, in humility, and in grace. Desiring God described Advent in this way: “Advent is for adoring Jesus.” And that is what we are going to do over the next 25 days.
If you are interested in keeping up with Advent readings, here are some great resources:
- “Good News of Great Joy” – Desiring God
- Revive Our Hearts radio is going through different hymns and their meaning. The program is usually 25 minutes long. I listen to it when I cook dinner!
- She Reads Truth
- Jess Connolly’s Advent Calendar/Reading
- Heather Boersma – “We Will Wait” Devotional
- Chasing Genuine – My sister is an incredible writer and you will be blessed as she shares throughout December!
Oh, come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.
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