Advent Day 2 – The Beginning & The End

December 2, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” ~Genesis 1:1
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.” ~John 1:1

Life is full of beginnings. At one point, you were conceived and your life began in the womb by the wondrous work of God. And then you had your first breath when you entered the world around nine months later. After that, every single thing is a first. The first time you opened your eyes, first time you cooed, first time you smiled, first time you crawled, first time you spoke. It is all a beginning. Our lives are defined by the course of time. We have a birth date and we will all have a date that we die. My husband and I were visiting his family in Nebraska last week and went to see some of the Oregon Trail. We stumbled upon a graveyard where many people were buried along the way. The dates take your breath away. Some lived a long life, some lived a few days. There was a beginning and an end.

We are defined and limited by time. We have 24 hours in a day to sleep, work, eat, play, and rest. We have a certain amount of days we will live on this earth that are written in God’s book (Psalm 139:16). This entire life, short as it may be, is preparing us for eternity. One day we will all step out of time into eternity. What we do on this life truly counts. There is not a wasted breath, a wasted day or a wasted beginning. God is in the beginnings and He is in the ends. 

In the beginning of the creation of this world we live in, God created with His mighty hands out of the dust. He made something that had no form to be beautiful and filled with life. You may know well the story of the creation, but I want you to go back and read Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1. In order for us to see God in our beginnings and our ends, we must know Him as being fully present. Not only was God in the beginning, but John 1:1 tells us that Jesus (the Word) was in the beginning with God and that He was God. In Genesis 1:2 we learn that the Spirit of God was also in the beginning of Creation.

The Father, the Spirit, and the Son, were in the beginning. The Trinity is God three in one and one in three. Jesus didn’t just appear in the New Testament. Jesus has always been. When the earth was bare, Jesus was there. When you were being formed in your mother’s womb, Jesus was there. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, Jesus was there. In order for us to adore Jesus in this advent season, we must know Him. We must spend time with Him. We must see Him in the Word and see Him in the world. And we cannot know Jesus apart from daily eating of Scripture and delighting in the truth found in God’s Word.

Jesus was in the beginning of it all. The creation of the world is His handiwork (John 1:1). This Jesus we worship and adore is worthy of all worship and adoration for all of eternity. We must not forget His goodness, His power, and His steadfast love that endures forever. Jesus is still in the beginnings and He is still in the ends. As we begin December, let us find Him there and begin with Him. If we don’t, we will miss the most precious opportunity of adoring our Savior.

I don’t want to miss it. I know you don’t either.

Jesus, we worship You. We look for You. We long for You. We thank You for creating us, for sustaining us, and for coming to save us and give us an opportunity to have an intimate relationship with You. We don’t take that lightly. We put you first this day. We put you first in our entire lives, because we know that You are the beginning and You are the End. You hold us together and You give us a joy that is unexplainable. We love you Jesus. Prepare our hearts for what You are going to do. And let our eyes not wander from Your beauty and Your cross. Amen – So Be It.

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