Introduce yourself as if we were on a coffee date! Tell us about yourself. Would you be drinking coffee or tea?
Hey girl—I'm Rebecca Dotson George! If we were sitting across from one another I would, without a doubt, have a double dirty chai latte in my hand. I'm a newlywed pastor's wife and married my best friend, Dustin George, in May. He's the pastor of Easthaven Baptist Church in Brookhaven, MS. I'm the Founder of Do The Thing Movement and Executive Director of 818 Ministries.
818 Ministries was born out of my mom's battle with cancer (she beat it—praise Jesus!) We deliver handmade hats and handwritten letters of encouragement to patients fighting serious illnesses (most often they are delivered by our Impact Squad of volunteers dressed up as princesses and superheroes when we visit hospitals).
Do The Thing Movement is the avenue the Lord has given me to pour into the lives of like-minded entrepreneurs and ministry leaders where I share wisdom and encouragement about chasing after your God-sized calling. I'm also working on my first book on the same topic!
When did you start following Jesus?
I began following Jesus when I was ten years old. On Easter Sunday of that year, I remember God really making my deep need for Him clear to me. I understood my sin nature and that Jesus had come to die on the cross for my sins and that if I trusted in Him, he would save me from my sins and the Holy Spirit would then dwell within me. I remember kneeling by the ‘90s baby-blue-and-mauve couch in my parents' living room and praying to trust fully in Him and asking Him to forgive my sins.
What is your definition of a well-watered woman?
I believe a well-watered woman is someone who waters herself often with the truth found in the Word of God. She identifies herself first by what He says about her above any other voice. She listens for His whispers to her above the shouts of the world.
How do you give Jesus the first moments of your day?
I have the privilege of working from home, which affords me a lot of time freedom (not commuting, having to "get ready” to go to the office each day, etc.) so once I settle in at my desk and have a cup of coffee in my hand, I start my days with my quiet time—which usually consists of a Bible reading plan, a chapter of a book I'm reading, and time in prayer.
What sort of spiritual season do you find yourself in now? What verses are you clinging to in this season?
The best word I can use to describe everything about my current season is "change." I got married, started a new "corporate" job, became a pastor's wife, and moved all in the blink of an eye about four months ago. The following truths/promises have really encouraged me these days:
He goes before me in all of the "newness" of this year (Deuteronomy 31:8).
He is working all things together for what will most befit His glory—even the change that feels hard right now (Psalm 135:6).
What intentional daily habits help you remain rooted deeply in the Word of God?
The most intentional habit I have is my morning quiet time before my day really gets started. I also lead a small group in our church of amazing women and we check in throughout the week via a Facebook group about prayer concerns, which helps us stay diligent in bearing one another's burdens. Our church also has a prayer service on Sunday evenings and it has been an extremely powerful catalyst to strengthening my prayer life in this season. It's so sweet to see how God moves when we lay aside devoted time with Him in prayer.
Who is a "well-watered mentor" or example in your life, and how has she helped you become a well-watered woman?
Gina Rouse is a well-watered mentor for me. She is a wife, mama of three girls, and an Olympic trials qualifier in the full marathon for 2020. She's been in my life for several years now since I started running marathons, and has been such a beautiful example of balancing our walk with Christ and everything else life throws at us (marriage, motherhood, hobbies, church life, etc.). She has always pointed me back to the truth in God's Word over anything else!
What books are you currently reading, or have recently read, and would recommend to our community?
Right now I'm going through The Search for Significance by Robert S. McGee for the first time! It's such a powerful book about things we struggle with (performance mentality, approval addiction, blame and shame) and combating those things with the truth of God's Word and what Jesus did for us (theological concepts such as justification, reconciliation, propitiation, and regeneration).
A few more I’ve read this year that I would recommend: Every Body Matters by Gary Thomas and None Like Him by Jen Wilkin.
If you could tell every woman on this blog one piece of wisdom, what would it be?
Do the thing. Take the first step toward the "more-like-Jesus" version of yourself each and every day, no matter what that might look like. He has gone before you and will never leave nor forsake you in your pursuit of more of Him.
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