A Life Lived Beautifully: Rachael Homcy

March 27, 2015  - By Well-Watered Women

Each Friday we take time to share a story of a woman who is living her life beautifully for the glory of God. These features have become a favorite part of what I do! Each woman’s life has truly been an inspiration to me and I am grateful to share of their faithfulness. This week’s “A Life Lived Beautifully” feature is Rachael Homcy, founder of Thryve Magazine. I have had the privilege of writing two articles in previous issues of the magazine and have been incredibly encouraged by the depth of each article! I highly recommend this magazine and know that you will be encouraged by Rachael’s story today! Grab a cup of coffee and cozy up as we chat with Rachael.

Meet Rachael.

Introduce yourself like we are having a cup of coffee together. What kind of coffee/tea would you drink?

I must say that getting to know one another at a charming, local coffeeshop, with either a caramel macchiato or vanilla latte in hand (extra shot of espresso, please!), would be absolutely one of my favorite scenarios. I thrive in these environments. The conversation flows more naturally and the environment soothes me. I wouldn’t hesitate to give you a hug and be incredibly excited to meet you. There is something so refreshing found in meeting like-minded women, who want to passionately serve the Lord. I would most likely go onto tell you the season of life I’m in, which has been one of the most growing season I’ve ever walked through. Me, my husband, Brent, and my 2yr. old ray of sunshine, Emmalyn Joy, live life together in Northern Va. We live a simple kind of life. It helps us focus on what truly matters.

What is your definition of a “life lived beautifully”?

To me, a life lived beautifully is when we choose to whole-heartedly devote ourselves to pursuing beauty that comes from within-the kind that God’s Word defines so clearly (1 Peter 3:3-4, Proverbs 31:30). We see the concept of a beautiful life portrayedso poorly in the culture we live in today. We see women pursuing beauty that is fleeting and based on what others see. Women everywhere are receiving and living a life that the world defines for them. I firmly believe that we can only live a beautiful life when Jesus becomes the source of that beauty. I didn’t fully realize this until after High school. I chased a very different kind of beauty back then. Jesus defines beauty entirely different than this world and I am so refreshed by it. It releases us from the worldly pressure to be perfect, because Jesus is that perfection on our behalf. My life is beautiful, not because of what I’ve done, but because of who Jesus is and because of what he’s done. This truth continues to blow my mind. Jesus is so so good.



When did you start following Jesus?

I grew up in a christian home. I remember being that one girl who continually showed up at the altar in children’s church. I experienced many moments with Jesus growing up. Although I had such a desire to know Jesus at a young age, I began to experiment with “my own way.” I allowed everything else, especially the approval of others, to become more important than knowing Jesus. What my world, my friends and my pursuits had to offer me trumped everything else. And to be honest, it seemed really great at first. I spent pretty much all of my younger years chasing those things while trying to make sure everyone didn’t notice how far away my heart truly was. Little by little my choices led me to a very lonely and empty state. I was in such a desperate place and in need of healing that God literally had to send me thousands of miles away so that I could see it. I will never forget that moment when my mess collided with God’s grace…I was never the same after that. I remember the way I felt as I realization the weight of my sin and the power and depth of His love. I had asked for forgiveness before, but this time it was different. So different that I didn’t even want what I used to want so badly. This was the moment I would say I began following Jesus. Like Jesus’ disciples that left everything, I finally chose Jesus over everything else.

What are some verses you constantly cling to and bring life to your soul?

I have always connected so deeply to Psalm 73:26, which says “My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; he is mine forever.” There have been many moments where my health was draining me of strength and I felt weak from trying to do life on my own, but this verse has always reminded me that no matter what, God is my source of strength and He holds me closely; He will never let me go, ever.

Another passage that I have re-read multiples times because my heart needs to be immersed in it’s truth is 2 Corinthians 3:4-6, which talks about how our power and ability and sufficiency are from God. This passage, especially in the season I am in, is super important for me to recall in moments when I feel like I’ve failed or don’t feel adequate because of one reason or another. It helps me not give up or fall into deep discouragement in the roles and assignments God has graciously given me to steward faithfully.

I have also always given special attention to Romans 8. I battle my flesh and I want so desperately to be led by God’s spirit in everything I do. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read the first part of this chapter. It’s one of those chapters that resets my mind and heart.



How do you integrate sharing the Gospel with creativity?

I often think how amazing it is that creativity is God’s nature and He never runs out of it. His wisdom is boundless and we get to glean from it. Publishing a magazine comes with so many creative possibilities! My goal is to not sacrifice one for the other. They go hand-in-hand. The gospel is not dull or boring, but full off color that deserves to be displayed. I see my assignment as a unique and creative opportunity to showcase the power of the Cross by giving the reader an experience that extends beyond the pages of a magazine and into their lives. I also love the fact that we can give women outlets to share their God-given creativity by contributing their art, photography and writing. God is using this creative medium to display His love. My deep desire is that each publication will be captivating, not only to the spirit, but to the eye.

How did God direct you to start Thryve magazine?

Thryve Magazine was birthed in a very vulnerable season of my life. I had recently surrender my life back to God as I mentioned earlier and I was healing. I began to experience a stirring within my heart that I hadn’t really felt before. The fog began to clear and I began to gain clarity on what I was passionate about for the first time. I was in survival mode for so long that I wanted to finally come alive by passionately living out what God had created me for! Over the course of several years, God began to plant seeds of what Thryve Magazine is today. Although, I didn’t fully see exactly how it would take shape. I’ll be honest, feeling the tug on my heart was absolutely overwhelming to me. This idea had been sitting for so long that I almost didn’t know what to do with it. I stalled in fear and doubt. A couple years ago, I began to share my dream with others around me and I realized how much people wanted something like it. Fast forward to January 2014, my husband and I took a huge step, with our little girl in tow, to help with a church-plant in Northern Virginia. I had launch date after launch date and I couldn’t get myself to press the “GO” button. I honestly didn’t have everything planned out and their were details that looking back I wish I had ironed out. I had just moved and didn’t know anyone yet. I lacked knowledge and a team, but what I see when I look back is a women who jumped despite her fear, inadequacy or lack….she jumped.



What is the vision behind Thryve?

I remember prayerfully asking God to pour His vision into my heart for this magazine. I had so many ideas for names, all centered around a general theme of “passionately living” I landed on “Thrive” which turned out to be “Thryve”. Thanks to a dear sweet friend who shared her creative perspective!

As women, we don’t have to settle for a life of survival, but can live a life that is vibrant, alive and ultimately full. We want to be a daily-reminder to women that they have been beautifully created and intentionally placed by God, not to just exist, but to live fully alive. I believe with all my heart that when women truly believe this and actively engage in it, we will be a powerful force on this earth. We desire to instill a renewed resolve to live passionately on purpose in our every day God-given roles and assignments. The stories and articles we feature are all motivated by this mission.

This year, we have been prayerfully praying for direction and vision. We have this pull on our hearts and we believe that God intends for the vision to flourish in ways that we didn’t foresee until now. We want to expand the ways we empower women to live fully alive. We believe that there is more that God has placed us here to accomplish and we can’t wait to share.

What life lessons have you learned in being a wife, momma, and creator of a growing magazine? What tips would you have for other mom’s doing the same thing?

I am not perfect and I make so many mistakes, but what I will say is that I have learned that God works so powerfully despite my weakness and my lack. His power is actually displayed greatly because of it. As a newbie in this business and a human in general, I have wrestled with my priorities and I’ve had many conversations with my husband, my #1 fan. I’ve hugged my daughter and said “I’m sorry” multiple times for not being present. I’ve realized how important it is to be aware, to have the hard conversations and to break bad habits. God has taught me a lot about abiding in Him, even in the most confusing and frustrating times. I’ve learned to embrace the process and to let go of things that are only distracting me. If you are dreamer and are walking out the process of doing, I encourage you to remember that God knows exactly what season you are in. Trust His ways. Trust His timing. Don’t be afraid to jump with your little one(s) right next to you. Involved them in the process and show them what it means to live passionately on purpose. I am not advanced in motherhood, but what I do know is that my daughter see’s me. She notices my pattern of life. My desire is that she would see me building God’s Kingdom by being actively engaged in the call of God on my life. I want her to crave this kind of life because it’s what she was created for.



What are some books you are currently reading?

I am trying so hard to read more. I’m not naturally a reader except when it comes to a good Karen Kingsbury book. I can only handle those about once a year because I need my sleep! But, surprisingly, I do have a book on my nightstand! I have been reading Dream Year by Ben Arment and I’ve been mind-blown. I wish I knew about it before I started Thryve, but I am grateful for it now. It has really helped me process some things and give me the extra push to take more leaps of faith! A really inspiring read.

If you could tell every woman reading this blog one thing God has laid on your heart, what would it be?

It’s incredibly hard for me to choose one thing for anything, but one reoccurring theme in my heart lately is Trust. I am not one that has a one word for the year, but God has declared this my word! I’ve been through some rocky moments throughout the past year, emotionally and mentally. There were moments when I wanted to throw in the towel and call it quits. When I look at some of those moment’s I can only see the hand of God pouring His grace upon me. Trusting in the Lord has brought me to a place where I am completely sustained with my hands off the reigns. I think about those in the bible that were at a crossroad. Will I trust God at His word or do I take matters into my own hands? And isn’t it the ones that trusted the Lord that saw the victory? Isn’t it the ones that trusted the Lord that received what God had promised? Isn’t it the ones that trusted in the Lord who saw the impossible take place?

Can I encourage you today? If you are taking matters into your own hands, let go and let God. If you are confused and lacking direction, be still and ask God to give you the grace to trust him, even amidst uncertainty. If you are in need and lacking, give your request to God and then trust in God’s perfect timing. If you are struggling to find margin in your life, ask God to help you become aware of what needs to go and then trust that the grace of God will give you guidance and wisdom on how to walk it out. Even in the smallest moments, when you choose to trust God, you are paving the way for miracles to take place!

Grab your own copy of Thryve Mag today using the coupon code LLBSPECIAL10 to receive 10% off of your order!

(Photos by Abbie Melle.) 

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  1. Anonymous says:

    […] Each Friday we take time to share a story of …read more       […]

  2. Love your writing and Thryve magazine is nothing less than awesome!! God bless you!

  3. Beautiful words of encouragement. …so blessed my heart to hear her share about taking leaps of faith with our little ones beside us!!

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