Well-Watered Women

May 13, 2017  - By Rachael Milner

The well-watered woman drinks deeply from the Well of God’s Word and finds her satisfaction and joy in Christ alone. She lives with an eternal perspective and treasures the words of Christ above any earthly thing. She embraces God’s grace upon amazing grace and seeks first the kingdom of God in her day-to-day life (Matthew 6:34). She brings her empty cup to the Well each day to be filled up with wisdom, truth, hope, and peace.

The purpose of this journal is to be a cup with which you drink from the Well of ”living water” Jesus offers in Scripture (John 4:14). Instead of living off of the droplets of the gospel left over in your heart from yesterday, you can be a well-watered woman who daily swims in God’s grace and overflows with His love. You were meant for more than the “dried-up, keep-trying, never-getting-there kind of life.” You have been created by God to be a well-watered woman, drinking deeply of the gospel of grace, and being transformed into His image through abiding in Christ in the everyday mundane. 

Are you tired of wasting precious time searching for satisfaction in all the wrong things, and allowing the world to dry up your joy? There’s hope, sister, and it is found in the Lord.  Every promise found in God’s Word is yours today in Christ Jesus. All He requires is that you come and hand Him your empty cup and let Him fill it up to overflowing.

In order the be well-watered women, we need to be able to discern what a life that is well-watered looks like compared to the life that is dried-up. Below you will find comparisons between the well-watered woman and the dried-up woman.

   Photo by Eleanor Stenner

Photo by Eleanor Stenner

May we be women who find our satisfaction in Christ alone, coming each morning to the well that never runs dry, filling up on the Word of truth. May we walk in grace and believe that our strength, hope and identity are found in the hands of Jesus drawing us near.

your well-watered sisters,

the llb team

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  1. Courtney Palmer says:

    I’m not seeing the comparisons between the well-watered women and the dried-up women.. it looked as if they were supposed to be at the end

    • Rachael Milner says:

      Hey Courtney – it should say:

      The dried-up woman has mistaken her identity for her accomplishments, her followers, her looks, and her bank account. She strives to be like others instead of embracing who God made her to be.
      The dried-up woman always wants and is never satisfied. Even when she receives what she hoped for, she quickly finds her way back to discontentment.
      The dried-up woman spends her time doing things that drain her of life and joy. She is afraid to follow Jesus to the ends of the earth and chooses comfort over obedience.
      The dried-up woman fills up on coffee but never drinks from water that satisfies. She ignores her need for rest and time alone with the Lord and chooses to push through and move forward using her own strength that is not enough. She believes she needs a lot of a coffee and a little Jesus.
      The dried-up woman majors in time wasting and has no direction in her life. She has confused rest for laziness and she has lost direction because she has looked to the world rather than to Jesus for her clarity and guidance.

    • Rachael Milner says:

      Hey Courtney – I wanted to share with you the more updated blog content – I’m sorry that this was confusing, this blog page wasn’t supposed to be linked!


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