The Dawn of Grace: the Light of the World Has Come

December 25, 2018  - By Gretchen Saffles

Merry Christmas

Today, as you gather around a twinkling Christmas tree, cozy up by a glowing fire, and light a warmly scented candle, praise God for visible reminders of the Light of the World—Jesus. The sun rose this morning just like it did the day Jesus was born, and the sun will set in the same way. In this steady rhythm of God’s grace, we have hope and live as a people who are eternally secure in Christ’s work.

Christmas Day is about so much more than the miraculous birth of Christ. It’s a celebration that God has been and will always be faithful to every single one of His promises. Just as we studied in our Advent devotional, the birth of Christ was a fulfilled promise long in the making, since the beginning of time.

Jesus was there when light was created and separated the darkness.

Jesus was there when Adam and Eve sinned and God foretold Satan’s end.

Jesus was there when Noah built the ark and lived in it with his family until the flood subsided.

Jesus was there when Job suffered and experienced the glory of redemption.

Jesus was there when Abraham looked up to the countless stars and saw foretastes of God’s covenant.

Jesus was there when Jacob wrestled with God and walked away with a limp, a new name, and a promise.

Jesus was there when the Israelites were oppressed by the Egyptians and set free.

Jesus was there when the Israelites then walked through the midst of the Red Sea and saw their pursuers vanquished in its waters.

Jesus was there when Deborah prophesied of a coming Savior who would be like the rising of the sun.

Jesus was there when David was chosen to be the unlikely king of Israel.

Jesus was there when Isaiah prophesied of the coming Savior and ruler of the world.

Jesus was there when no word from God was given to the Israelites for 400 years.

Jesus came.

Jesus lived a sinless life.

Jesus died the death we deserved.

Jesus rose from the dead, fulfilling His Word.

And Jesus is coming again to restore all things.

Jesus is the thread that is woven throughout the story of the Bible. He is the light that illuminates our hearts. He is the dawn that brings hope after the darkness. And today, we celebrate because Jesus is with us. Hallelujah! What a Savior! This day, and forever. Amen.

Silent night! Holy night! Son of God, love's pure light Radiant beams from thy holy face With the dawn of redeeming grace Jesus, Lord at thy birth Jesus, Lord at thy birth.

–Josef Mohr (1818) | Silent Night

If you would like to dig deeper into the Scriptures today, take time to read Matthew 1:18–25 and Luke 2:1–21. We pray you have a blessed Christmas with your family and loved ones.

-The Well Watered Team

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