This blog has gone untouched for a few months now. Partly because I’ve entered a new season of motherhood and have taken a step back to enjoy and learn the new rhythms of life. The other reason is because my soul has been wrestling. There are countless thoughts, numerous longings, and a plethora of lessons that my heart is mulling over every day. I’ve wanted to share them, but I hesitated because I wanted to wait to share until I fully understood them. However, the Lord has pressed on my heart to wrestle with you. My guess is, you also have wrestlings in your soul, questions left unanswered, and a longing for more than what you are living. This blog, this business, this ministry is not about perfection. It is not about cleaning up to come before God. It is about living with the end in mind or, as Jonathan Edwards said, with eternity stamped on our eyeballs. It is about making a difference in this world by following after Christ with every ounce of energy we have. 

By Gretchen Saffles

Let’s Wrestle Together

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