In 2013 I tiptoed into the waters of being a Christian entrepreneur. Over the next few years, I had no idea that God would use that leap of faith to mold me, shape me, and chisel my heart. Owning a small business with the desire to make much of Jesus has proven harder than I thought it would. Since the beginning, I have felt the Lord clearly call me to do things differently, and, instead of following worldly business standards, to follow Him. The path He has taken me on has been anything but easy, however, it has been worth every step, every stumble, and every mountain we have climbed together. In the end, it has led me to a deeper walk with Him. 

By Gretchen Saffles

Shop Girl’s Code: Kingdom Led Creatives

Meet Val. I met Val through Instagram. It is beautiful seeing how God unites His people even through the Internet and sharing of pictures! Immediately I fell in love with Val’s heart for the Lord. She created a prayer journal for women to use in their quiet times and I have loved using this as […]

By Guest Author

A Life Lived Beautifully: Val Woerner

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