Pressure. It’s something we all experience. There are times when the pressures of life are more overwhelming than others. Sometimes the weight of expectations feels as if it might explode inside our chest or crush us. The other day I described the pressure I’ve felt to my husband in this way: “It’s as if I’m […]
Surrender your pen and let the Lord write the story of your life!
The burdens of life were never meant to weigh us down, but rather to make us stronger.
I can’t…but He can.
The following post is raw. It is a tiny glimpse into a struggle I had with an eating disorder in college, and my heart in sharing it with you is that more women would find freedom from the bondage of eating and image through Jesus. Eating disorders are one of the most hidden sins of our society, especially in the church. As followers of Jesus, we need to stand firm against this yoke of slavery and speak about the lies that women are believing all over the world about their image, food, and worth.
(above photo of an article in Thryve Mag) Vulnerability. Just writing that word grates against my heart a tiny bit. Growing up in a Christian home, I took on the “good girl” mentality for the first two decades of life. As long as it appeared I did no wrong and struggled with little, I was good. Don’t […]
This week I was sitting down with a friend talking through what God was doing in our lives. We both are in a season of waiting on the Lord to direct our steps. As I was telling her how I’d been struggling with wanting to have a plan, she said to me “I used to […]
This is an excerpt from the ebook I will be coming out with soon called “A God-Sized Love Story.” This book is shares love letters I wrote to my husband growing up along with my story of learning to trust Christ with my future. As we study 1 Peter 3:1-4 today, I pray that you […]