Surrender Your Pen

June 20, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

This week I was sitting down with a friend talking through what God was doing in our lives. We both are in a season of waiting on the Lord to direct our steps. As I was telling her how I’d been struggling with wanting to have a plan, she said to me “I used to be a planner.” I wish I could say I used to be a planner. I haven’t gotten to the point of complete surrender…but the Lord is walking me towards it!
Last week I shared on Internet Cafe Devotions how God is teaching me to surrender my pen. If you are ready to exchange your pen for a pencil and your planner for the Word of God, click here to read it. I pray you are encouraged as I have been to trust Jesus, even when plans change and life is uncertain. He is faithful and He knows everything. From how many hairs are on your head to what we will wear, what we will eat, where we will live, who we will marry and the number of our days! Let’s trust Him together!

surrendering with you!

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  1. says:

    Yes yes yes yes yes! Love your post on Internet Cafe Devotions. I got sick this weekend, the weekend I had planned to take an extra vacation day to do something with my husband… not in my plans, and I can easily get so grumpy about it. I’m still sick, and back at work, and these are wonderful reminders. God is with me! and it’s not about me!

    • says:

      I need that reminder pretty much every single day! Even this past week the Lord brought me back to the truth that He is sovereign and He is good, even when things go differently than I expect. I was reminded again that He is so patient with us! 🙂

  2. Sarah says:

    Yes yes yes yes yes! Love your post on Internet Cafe Devotions. I got sick this weekend, the weekend I had planned to take an extra vacation day to do something with my husband… not in my plans, and I can easily get so grumpy about it. I’m still sick, and back at work, and these are wonderful reminders. God is with me! and it’s not about me!

    • gretchensaffles says:

      I need that reminder pretty much every single day! Even this past week the Lord brought me back to the truth that He is sovereign and He is good, even when things go differently than I expect. I was reminded again that He is so patient with us! 🙂

  3. Your heart is big.
    Your friend had a great point; I also used to be a planner. I would have everything mapped out. Now, I’ve definitely let go of controling how things happen. Although I still plan from time to time, I know who holds time.

  4. Ashlee Chu says:

    Your heart is big.
    Your friend had a great point; I also used to be a planner. I would have everything mapped out. Now, I’ve definitely let go of controling how things happen. Although I still plan from time to time, I know who holds time.

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