A Life Lived Beautifully: Yuris Yoon

By Guest Author

A Life Lived Beautifully: Yuris Yoon

One thing that sets my heart on fire is seeing women use their gifts and passions to make much of Christ in creative ways. Over the past few years, the Lord has opened my eyes to countless women who have recognized their gifting from God and are using what they have and who they are to bring glory to God. Rebecca Smith is a beautiful example of this! Rebecca is a wife, momma, and entrepreneur.

By Well-Watered Women

A Life Lived Beautifully: Rebecca Smith

Each Friday we take time to share a story of a woman who is living her life beautifully for the glory of God. These features have become a favorite part of what I do! Each woman’s life has truly been an inspiration to me and I am grateful to share of their faithfulness. This week’s “A Life Lived Beautifully” feature is Rachael Homcy, founder of Thryve Magazine. I have had the privilege of writing two articles in previous issues of the magazine and have been incredibly encouraged by the depth of each article! I highly recommend this magazine and know that you will be encouraged by Rachael’s story today! Grab a cup of coffee and cozy up as we chat with Rachael.

A Life Lived Beautifully: Rachael Homcy

By Well-Watered Women

Today I am thrilled to share with you our “A Life Lived Beautifully” feature on Lauren Hooker, owner, designer, and blogger at Elle & Co. I have followed Lauren’s blog for months now and am amazed at the incredible resources and insight she shares. Bloggers, business owners, and anyone using social media or the internet would […]

By Well-Watered Women

A Life Lived Beautifully: Lauren Hooker

My hands were completely a mess. I was in the backyard with all my paints, pencils, and sketchbook. Everything around me was ravishing and eagerly waiting to be brought to life through pen and paper. The dirt I sat on didn’t phase me as I gazed at the flowers in my dad’s tiny garden and drew the spectacular beauty before me. These were no Monet paintings, but they were made form the very depths of who I was. They brought my heart to life. They were me.  As a little girl, creativity was my identity. In school I wasn’t known for my basketball skills (which are literally non-existent), but for my art skills. I hung out with my art teacher and worked on projects with her during our breaks. I embraced every poster project as an opportunity to make something beautiful. I will never forget doing a project on Mother Teresa in middle school. I painted a watercolor portrait of Mother Teresa on white poster board as if it were my chance to show the world the beauty of this woman’s life through paper and brush.

By Gretchen Saffles

When creativity becomes a job, it loses life, joy, and authenticity.

Creating: Digging & Planting

A Life Lived Beautifully: Ruth Simons

A Life Lived Beautifully: Ruth Simons

By Well-Watered Women

As I loaded the laundry in between having gone to the gym, answering emails, writing a to-do list, and texting with my mom and sister, the Lord reminded me of the importance of doing our work well. I have a tendency to section off my days, overload them into with things to do, and place unrealistic expectations on my hours.

By Gretchen Saffles

Work Well

Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement. {C. S. Lewis} Failure. Even just writing this word makes me cringe inside a bit. Anyone out there fear failing like me? To be clear, in my human perspective, I view failure as not reaching my expectations. The dictionary defines it as a “lack of success.” […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Failure or Freedom?

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