Hey friends! In less than a week we will begin studying Redefined, and quite honestly – we can hardly wait. The topics of identity, confidence and inner-strength can become quite twisted by our society as the world is shouting that we can be anyone or anything we want to be. Rather than getting swept away […]

By Rachael Milner

Join Us In Studying Redefined

Redefine: to define again or differently. Do you remember the first time you ever felt insecure? Maybe it was at a middle school dance while the boys stood on the other side of the gym and you felt yourself start to sweat at the thought of being asked – or worse – not being asked […]

By Well-Watered Women

Redefined: The New Collection

Today we’re sharing a redemption story of God at work in the life of one of our LLB Community members, Hannah Clark. Read more about the way God has redeemed her life!

But God Redeems

By Hannah Clark

Another five pounds. The numbers on the scale told me a story of loss, but my heart felt a surge of confidence. I glanced up at the mirror and saw a tall, lanky body standing there, wasting away in many ways. I turned around and examined my spine protruding from my back and shuddered. Why did this make me feel so beautiful? In many ways I felt like I was disappearing. Each week I was losing more and more weight. And yet, every reflection I whispered to me that if I just kept going I would finally enough. I wanted to be noticed, but I still felt invisible. 

By Gretchen Saffles

The Greatest Gain

I am currently working on our fall Bible study, Redefined, a study on our true identity in Christ. As I was writing the other day, these words flowed from my pen. This is the basis for the next study, and exactly what I would tell you if I could sit with you in person and have coffee. If I could tell you just one thing, I’d tell you…

By Gretchen Saffles

Just One Thing

After a good dose of tears and insecurity, I finally wrote a note farewell to this old, unwelcomed friend. 

Dear Insecurity,

By Gretchen Saffles

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