When I was a little girl, I would come into the kitchen and often find my momma talking to herself. I always loved catching her in the act (and still do:). Throughout the years she has faithfully taught me speak truth over the lies that Satan whispers into our ears. As a matter of fact, just this morning she was speaking truth over my weary heart. The cycle was starting again. I was listening to the lies of the Enemy and doubting what God had called me to do.

By Gretchen Saffles

Talk To Yourself

Good morning! I am so glad you are joining in on our study of 1 John! We are on our last week of the study and it has been amazing to see what God has revealed through His Word. If you are just now joining us, begin your study here. Praying God reveals beautiful truth’s […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Living Inside-Out {Day 14}

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