Confession. I am a recovering addict. Chances are, you are one too. I have been enslaved to “likes” and trapped by numbers for a lot of my life. The number battle seems to wage a war in my heart each day. Even before things like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, I measured myself by how many people complimented me or knew me. In college I struggled with the numbers I saw on the scale. They never got low enough for me to feel beautiful and my body suffered from it (read more about my story here). It seems like we are constantly trapped by numbers and never appeased with what we see.

By Gretchen Saffles


If I were meeting you in an actual coffee shop right now, I’d give you a big smile and a big hug because that’s way better than shaking hands! I’m Nancy Ray, born and raised in North Carolina. I love Jesus, my husband Will (we met in middle school!), my beautiful daughter Milly who is almost 1, my great dane Winston, running, blogging, taking beautiful photographs, spending time with my team, and small business. I’d order a one pump vanilla latte in a real mug because it tastes better that way. 

By Guest Author

A Life Lived Beautifully: Nancy Ray

Grab a cup of coffee and meet Rachael Milner, today’s “A Life Lived Beautifully” feature!

A Life Lived Beautifully: Rachael Milner

By Well-Watered Women

Good = morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; profit or advantage, worth; benefit

“I say to the LORD, ‘You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.'” Psalm 16:2

By Gretchen Saffles

Re-defining Good

Grab a cup of coffee and meet Becky Bennett, today’s “A Life Lived Beautifully” feature!

By Well-Watered Women

A Life Lived Beautifully: Becky Bennett

The Lord has been challenging my heart lately with this question. I dug up this post from last fall and was convicted and challenged once again. I pray that you are as well as we ask ourself the question – what if?

What If?

By Gretchen Saffles

(Above photo by Nicole from Bloom the Blog) A Call to Love God’s Word More Than The World A few months ago I was reading in Isaiah 58 and these words that God spoke to the Israelites sunk deep into my heart: “And the LORD will guide you continually and satisfy your desire in scorched places […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Well-Watered Women

Good = morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; profit or advantage, worth; benefit “I say to the LORD, ‘You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.’” Psalm 16:2 My brain has been trying to understand the goodness of God lately. When doubt arises, there is a conflict between my definition of good versus Scripture’s definition. In many ways, they don’t […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Re-defining Good

My husband and I are excited to tell our family and friends that we pregnant with our first little one – due May 2015! It was a sweet surprise finding out that we were pregnant and we are grateful for this blessing! When I was in the second grade, I gave a presentation on what […]

A Beautiful Blessing

By Gretchen Saffles

On Tuesday morning, a beloved friend and man of God breathed his last and went to be with the Lord. David Landrith, pastor of Long Hollow Baptist Church, husband to Jennifer, and father to Rachel, Sam, and Josh, battled a fight with a terminal cancer for the past two years. My husband and I had […]

By Well-Watered Women

When Grief And Joy Collide

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