I had a funny interaction yesterday with a kind, well-meaning individual who was trying to offer some encouragement. The words didn’t come out as I’m sure they intended when they said, “Rachael, you’ve lost weight! You’re starting to look so pretty!” I just had to laugh a little because it was meant as a compliment, […]
When we start to believe that our very best in this life can be found by just achieving our goals, we forget that only good comes from God. I’m sharing some of my story with weight and the never-ending battle of saying goodbye to insecurity and hello to abundance in Christ.
After a good dose of tears and insecurity, I finally wrote a note farewell to this old, unwelcomed friend.
Glancing at the test, the two pink lines caught my eye. Two. Not just one. Two pink lines. I looked at my husband in stunned surprise and held it out for him to see. He led me to the couch and I proceeded to miss the couch and just fall straight to the floor in my usual dramatic fashion. We’re pregnant. We both sat there for what seemed like hours letting it sink in deep. The surprise and excitement mixed with the worry and unknowns filled out hearts with a flood of emotions. The next nine months were going to change our lives. The day we found out we were pregnant was exciting and overwhelming.
Everyday when I wake up, I’m temped to get into the box. You know. It’s the box of people pleasing, trying to be everything when you know you can’t, and trying to be what you think others want. It’s a tiny little box that makes me feel trapped when I get in it. This box […]