Hope is a funny thing when we find ourselves in the midst of a waiting season. How do we hold onto hope from verses we read in Scripture when we survey our scenario and see that nothing seems to be lining up? How do we believe God at His Word when we’ve been praying for […]
Dying to Live If you’re a Hamilton fan, then you know there’s a moment in the show when George Washington is discussing the war with Alexander Hamilton, making the statement: “Dying is easy; living is harder.” I feel like there’s a correlation between that statement and what happens when you finally open the can of […]
Confession. I am a recovering addict. Chances are, you are one too. I have been enslaved to “likes” and trapped by numbers for a lot of my life. The number battle seems to wage a war in my heart each day. Even before things like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, I measured myself by how many people complimented me or knew me. In college I struggled with the numbers I saw on the scale. They never got low enough for me to feel beautiful and my body suffered from it (read more about my story here). It seems like we are constantly trapped by numbers and never appeased with what we see.
There are moments in life I wish I could erase but are seared onto my memory like a tattoo. One of those moments was last fall when I walked through a season of depression and intense anxiety. A darkness descended on my soul that felt unbearable at times. It seemed impossible most days to see beyond my broken state. Leading up to this season, the pace of my life had drastically sped up. Looking from the outside in, our life seemed to be flourishing in many ways. I was traveling to speak at various women’s events, we had a rambunctious, loving toddler, and were serving in our local church. And yet, in the midst of all this, I crashed and waves of anxiety flooded into my soul, making me feel like I was drowning.
Good = morally excellent; virtuous; righteous; profit or advantage, worth; benefit
“I say to the LORD, ‘You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.'” Psalm 16:2
One of the most incredible things about the community of Life Lived Beautifully are the women that I am able to meet all around the world. Women who are pursuing Jesus with every breath. Women who are doing hard things for His glory. Women who are chasing after the dreams God has laid on their heart and doing them with His strength and grace. Hannah Cobley is one of those women. She is an example of a Proverbs 31 woman, using her gifts, her trials, and her passions to make much of Jesus. I cannot tell you how excited I am for you to read her story and the how she began Lighthouse for Hope!
“True joy, in fact, is never found in chasing the perfect. It is only found in chasing the genuine life of following Christ. It is the road less traveled, but it is the only road that brings us to true life!”
post from my sister on her journey of infertility, receiving news of the unexpected, and chasing Christ in life’s journey!
Last fall at the Influence Conference I met several women who I have been able to keep up with and be inspired by ever since! One of those ladies was Kelly Halsch. Kelly and I were able to talk for a while at the conference and she shared her story with me. Kelly is one of those women whose joy and passion for life and Christ is contagious! She writes on her blog Legacy of Beauty and is also the author of several books. All I can say is, grab a box of tissues, a cup of coffee, and cozy up as you read Kelly’s story and encouragement. It is a powerful story of redemption and hope!
The Lord has been challenging my heart lately with this question. I dug up this post from last fall and was convicted and challenged once again. I pray that you are as well as we ask ourself the question – what if?
The “estate sale” sign caught my and made my heart start pumping quickly. All the good deals starting rushing through my head and I began to feel the urge to go right away. I love a good garage sale. My mom taught me to be a bargain shopper at an early age and we still love sharing our deals with each other! I have only been to two other estate sales in my life – one was completely overwhelming and one was completely underwhelming.