Today we are kicking off the 30-Day Word Before World Challenge, and thousands of women around the world are joining in with us. This challenge is simple but intentional: devote your heart to seeking the Lord before jumping into the world each day. We created a free guide you can receive and begin at any […]
In 1716, American revivalist preacher, theologian, and writer, Jonathan Edwards, penned a list of seventy “resolutions.” These resolutions, unlike most New Years Resolutions, were rooted deeply in a humble desire to obey God’s Word. Edwards began each of these resolutions with the simple word “resolved…” Resolve means to firmly set in one’s heart to do […]
The Give Me Jesus journal was a gift my friend gave me a few years ago. Neither my friend nor I could have guessed how much the Lord would use those pages to shape my heart and encourage my understanding of Scripture. I pray that it would be as much of a blessing to you as it has been to me the past two years! -Rachael
Join us in celebrating the two year anniversary of the Give Me Jesus Journal!
The Spring 2016 collection is here!
In just five days we launch the 6th version of the Give Me Jesus Journal. On May 5th, 2014 I launched the first journals with shaking hands. Never could I have dreamed of the things God was going to do in the coming years! With the coming launch of these quiet time journals, I wanted to share this post that has been stirring in my heart to release you from any quiet time myths that keep you from spending time with Jesus. I pray that you would be hungrier than ever to know Him more! Are you ready? Let’s dive in.
The season of revival is upon us. In the blink of an eye, tiny sprouts of green will bud on the trees and the drops of color will sprinkle the ground. Spring is coming. My heart races at the thought of spring each year. By the time March comes around, the bare trees and bleak skies have made my heart burn for color and life. The seasons come and go every year, echoing the sound of revival and restoration. For centuries, God has continued His work of redemption in the spring, bring what was once dead back to life. What an incredible picture of the gospel? What a magnificent painting of grace!
We are having a winter sale!
Lights low, coffee brewing, blanket ready, Bible open, journal and pen waiting…the makings of what I used to think were the perfect quiet time. In June I entered a new season of motherhood and found that my “quiet time” rarely looked this perfect anymore. I had to fight for it. I had to force myself to open my Bible and journal most days. Since becoming a mama, I’ve struggled with the concept of a “quiet” time since my mornings and days rarely are quiet. I can count on one hand the number of mornings I’ve had that could be considered “quiet” since my son was born. But God is teaching me that just because my quiet times are messy and often filled with noise, they are no less beautiful than they used to be.