WHAT YOU LIVE IN DETERMINES WHAT YOU LIVE FOR I heard that quote as a 12-year-old, sitting in church on a Wednesday night, and it has stuck with me ever since. Let me explain a bit further. What you live in may be a myriad of things, and it can change from day to day. […]
When those little half-truths and whole lies sneak into our hearts, the only victory we have throughout the day is to rely on the Spirit for strength to believe the Word of God rather than listen to the emotions of our heart. This is how we walk forward in joy, regardless of our circumstance, and rest in the peace that God provides to His daughters!
Flourish: Grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment. Develop rapidly and successfully. It’s hard to flourish when we feel exhausted, overworked, overwhelmed and needy. How can we flourish when we can’t even finish a task without getting distracted and moving on to the next item […]
Friends, we are now in our last week of the Flourish study! Find the verses for week 8 here!
We’ve have loved studying Flourish the past six weeks with you. We’re recapping week Six on Kindness and Goodness, and praying that we would believe He is our true Good. Here’s a look at week Seven: Faithfulness and Gentleness. We pray that our faithful God will draw near to you and gently encourage your heart this week.
When we start to believe that our very best in this life can be found by just achieving our goals, we forget that only good comes from God. I’m sharing some of my story with weight and the never-ending battle of saying goodbye to insecurity and hello to abundance in Christ.
We’ve so enjoyed studying Flourish the past five weeks. We’re recapping our week Five on Patience, and asking the Lord to fix our gaze on the Lord so that we can joyfully surrender to His timing. Here’s a look at week six: Kindness and Goodness. We pray that the kindness God has poured out into your heart will overflow into a life of gratitude and praise.
What is the difference between waiting and practicing patience? How can our heart find rest and our soul say, “It Is Well” even as we wait for the Lord? We want to be women who have joyfully surrendered to our Father’s good timing, not just people who pout in the waiting.
How do we patiently wait for the Lord when we do not receive the answer we are seeking? How do we get through those moments, or weeks, or years of “Not Right Now”? We long to be women who trust the faithful hand of God more than we long for His answer. Let’s lean into the Not Right Now.