For the past three years I’ve been on an unexpected journey of being a “mamaprenuer”. In my own definition, a mamaprenuer is a stay-at-home mama who is at the same time an entrepreneur or business owner. She not only balances caring for a home and children, but she also regularly maintains a business (whether a […]

By Gretchen Saffles

3 Tools for Mamaprenuers

My head was spinning. All at once it seemed like every ball I was attempting to juggle came crashing down. I sat in the living room staring at the intimidating notifications on my phone. Sitting next to my phone was a lengthy to-do list I kept rearranging each day, hoping to finally make some headway on it. Instead, I sat there paralyzed with fear that I would make the wrong decision and waste precious time. I was enslaved to the feeling that I had to do “everything” so I ended up accomplishing nothing. 

Even typing this I feel like a weight is sitting on my chest. There is so. much. to. do. Do any of you reading this feel like you have an endless to-do list and like you are being crushed by the expectations of this world? This is not living. Feeling overwhelmed by life is really no life at all. It is mere survival in the wilderness of the day-to-day grind instead of thriving in God’s grace in the midst of it all. I’m through with it. For most of my life I’ve been a “yes” girl, never questioning an offer to participate in something and rarely addressing my schedule to see if my commitments are actually doable. When it comes to planning, I tend to have a “thanksgiving” mentality. 

By Gretchen Saffles

The “Yes” of No

A Life Lived Beautifully: Megan Craig of New Eve Jewelry

A Life Lived Beautifully: Megan Craig

By Well-Watered Women

A Life Lived Beautifully: Yuris Yoon

By Guest Author

A Life Lived Beautifully: Yuris Yoon

A Life Lived Beautifully: Valeria Keinsley

By Well-Watered Women

A Life Lived Beautifully: Valerie Keinsley

One thing that sets my heart on fire is seeing women use their gifts and passions to make much of Christ in creative ways. Over the past few years, the Lord has opened my eyes to countless women who have recognized their gifting from God and are using what they have and who they are to bring glory to God. Rebecca Smith is a beautiful example of this! Rebecca is a wife, momma, and entrepreneur.

A Life Lived Beautifully: Rebecca Smith

By Well-Watered Women

Each Friday we take time to share a story of a woman who is living her life beautifully for the glory of God. These features have become a favorite part of what I do! Each woman’s life has truly been an inspiration to me and I am grateful to share of their faithfulness. This week’s “A Life Lived Beautifully” feature is Rachael Homcy, founder of Thryve Magazine. I have had the privilege of writing two articles in previous issues of the magazine and have been incredibly encouraged by the depth of each article! I highly recommend this magazine and know that you will be encouraged by Rachael’s story today! Grab a cup of coffee and cozy up as we chat with Rachael.

By Well-Watered Women

A Life Lived Beautifully: Rachael Homcy

A Life Lived Beautifully: Holly Holt

By Guest Author

A Life Lived Beautifully: Holly Holt

A Life Lived Beautifully: Ruth Simons

A Life Lived Beautifully: Ruth Simons

By Well-Watered Women

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