Take the Give Me Jesus journal survey!

By Gretchen Saffles

Give Me Jesus Journal Survey

Welcome to the Life Lived Beautifully creative studio! My husband and I moved to Knoxville, TN, in February 2013, after being married for three months. I officially began Life Lived Beautifully in May 2013 out of our little, cozy apartment. It has now been almost one year since I began the adventure of owning a […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Creative {Studio} : Part I

Creating is life. If you are a “creative” you know what I  mean. From cooking a colorful meal to wearing different combinations of your clothing (never the same thing twice) to making something new from something old. The world is a canvas ready to be painted on. This is by no accident. This is who […]

Why I Create

By Gretchen Saffles

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