A Heavenly Pursuit “The man who has God for his treasure has all things in One.” A. W. Tozer Jen Wilkin said in her book Women of the Word, “The God of the Bible is too lovely to abandon for lesser pursuits.” (p. 46) The more we pick up our forks and bring our empty […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Chase Jesus

This post was written by Capri Gandy. You can read more about Capri at the end of the post! Hey everyone!! It’s been a while since I’ve written a blog! I’ve honestly been pretty busy, but also I’ve been taking some time off to spend more one on one time with Jesus. I got to […]

By Capri Gandy

Lies, Identity and Chasing Jesus

This post was written by Becca Lafferty, a high school English teacher in Singapore. You can read more from Becca on her blog. I have struggled with diagnosed major depressive disorder (MDD) since my sophomore year of college, but I know that I began wrestling with seasons of depressions starting during my adolescent years. However, […]

Chase Light

By Guest Author

This post was written by Becca Lafferty, a high school English teacher in Singapore. You can read more from Becca on her blog. I have struggled with diagnosed major depressive disorder (MDD) since my sophomore year of college, but I know that I began wrestling with seasons of depressions starting during my adolescent years. However, […]

By Becca Lafferty

Chase Light

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