God uses the least likely to make much of His great name. Today we are talking about calling and excuses and why the gospel trumps our inadequacies. 

By Gretchen Saffles

Not Me, God

This past weekend, I gathered with over four hundred women in Indianapolis with one intent—to lift high the name of Jesus and center our hearts on Him. These women, all four hundred of them, came with different passions, pursuits, and backgrounds. We had one thing in common, the desire to know Jesus and to live our lives purposefully for His glory. The conversations were flavored with encouragement, big dreams, and the wrestlings of our souls. We came just as we are, broken and bought by His blood, and left with a renewed boldness in our hearts. Something beautiful happens when women gather to lift high the name of Jesus. Chains are broken, walls are torn down brick by brick, and dreams are built back up again. The Influence Conference is more than a gathering of women, it is a reminder of our calling and commissioning to live as daughters of the King and ambassadors of Christ.

By Gretchen Saffles

Called And Commissioned

Most days we live are pretty ordinary. Wake up, drink coffee, read your Bible, get ready for work, work, eat, exercise, eat, visit friends, read, sleep. This would look extremely different if you have children, but you get the picture. The mountaintop experiences aren’t the norm, the valleys are. The valleys are the places in life where we just walk. We walk and walk and walk without seeing a new sight or getting to a new path. Everything around us seems strangely familiar and we keep looking out for the next turn towards a big adventure.


By Gretchen Saffles

Have you ever questioned why you live where you live? Or, right now, are you wondering why you are sitting here at this moment reading this devotional? Have you thought about why your family has moved or why you didn’t get that job you wanted? Life usually doesn’t follow our plans.  In our eyes, life is […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Fear of Evangelism

Years ago, Mercy Me came out with a song based off of Isaiah 6:4 called “Here am I, Send Me.” As a middle schooler seeking to follow Jesus, I sang these words with all of my heart! However, most days the opposite of being sent would happen. I would encounter trial, discouragement and the obstacle […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Here I am, Rob Me? {Day 21}

(Today is the first day we begin studying 1 Peter! Read more about how you can follow along here!) “Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ. To those who are elect exiles of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, […]

Dear Peter {Day 1}

By Gretchen Saffles

Most days we live are pretty ordinary. Wake up, drink coffee, read your Bible, get ready for work, work, eat, exercise, eat, visit friends, read, sleep. This would look extremely different if you have children, but you get the picture. The mountaintop experiences aren’t the norm, the valleys are. The valleys are the places in […]

By Gretchen Saffles


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