Redefined: Week Two

September 24, 2017  - By Well-Watered Women

Hey friends! We will be continuing Redefined week two tomorrow. If you haven’t had a chance to join the Facebook Community Group, you can do that here. For those who plan to follow along but don’t have the study, we’ve given you a loose outline here that covers some of the Scriptures and questions discussed in the book. We’ll also be posting on Instagram at @wellwateredwomen and @wellwateredco using the hashtag #wwwredefined if you want to follow along there.

Week Two | Day One

Read: Exodus chapters 1-3, John 8:31-38

Write: What doubts or questions have you felt about yourself? Do you ever ask, “Who am I? Why was I made? What is my purpose? How am I different from other people?” 

Remember: We weren’t meant to look to the mirror on the wall to discover our purpose and identity, but instead to look to the mirror of the Word of God.


  • How were the Israelites described under the new king? Do you notice a change in their identity under his rule? (Exodus 1:1-4)
  • How did God use the Hebrew midwives in Exodus 1:15-21 to accomplish His plans?
  • List the key details of who Moses was and what his past contained – this gives us perspective on the life of Moses and the kinds of people God can use.
  • What do we learn about God from Exodus chapter 2?
  • What do we learn about God from Exodus 3:1-10?
  • How did Moses respond to God in Exodus 3:11? What was God’s answer in 3:12?
  • Write down how God responded to Moses in verses 13-15.
  • How does it encourage you to see that “because I Am Who I Am called Moses, who Moses was didn’t really matter”?
  • How does the freedom Jesus described in John 8:31-38 redefine your past?

Week Two | Day Two

Read: Exodus 13:17-22, 14:1-4; 14:11-31; 15:1-18

Write: Exodus 14:15


  • How did God lead the Israelites in the wilderness? (13:21-22)
  • Why did God cause Pharaoh’s heart to be hardened? (14:1-4) 
  • What did the Israelites say to Moses in Exodus 14:11-12?
  • What did Moses say to the Israelites’ whining in Exodus 14:13-14?
  • What was God’s response in Exodus 14:15?
  • Finish reading Exodus 14:16-31 and answer how God rescued the Israelites.
  • What oppression, sin or past bondage still pursues your heart and mind?
  • Write down the struggles of your heart and read Exodus 15:1-18 today, praising God that He is a man of war who fought for your freedom on the cross and already won the victory!

Week Two | Day Three

Read: Exodus 15:22-27; 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Write: How God changes us to become like Christ according to 2 Corinthians 3:18.

Remember: We have to be willing to truth God, even when we are thirsty and the water is bitter. We have to learn to believe that He will continue to deliver and provide, even when we can’t see how He will.


  • How did God respond to the people’s bitter complaints? (Exodus 15:22-27).
  • What do we learn about the Israelites (and ourselves)?
  • Describe what we can learn about the character of God.
  • What was God’s answer to Paul’s weakness in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10?
  • What weaknesses do you feel define you?
  • How is Christ’s power displayed in those weaknesses through the cross?

Week Two | Day Four

Read: Exodus 20:1-17

Write: The Ten Commandments

Ask: Take time to look up the following verses and note down the differences between your limitations and God’s unlimited nature.

  • Job 7:16
  • Job 36:22-24
  • Psalm 10:16
  • Psalm 39:4-6
  • Psalm 48:14
  • Psalm 62:11
  • Psalm 144:4
  • Psalm 147:5
  • Isaiah 40:8
  • Jeremiah 32:17-19
  • Luke 1:37
  • 1 Corinthians 1:25
  • Ephesians 3:20-21
  • Colossians 1:16
  • James 4:14
  • Revelation 1:8

Rather than trying to do it all, determine today to quit living like you have no limits and like God is limited. Instead of allowing your limits to discourage you, ask God to open your eyes to what He has called you to do and take steps of obedience in living out this calling.

What things do you need to quit today? Be a quitter for His glory.

Week Two | Day Five

Read: Genesis 3:17-19; Matthew 26:36-46; 27:27-31; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10



  • What do you learn about thorns from Genesis 3:17-19?
  • What did Jesus ask God in the Garden of Gethsemane? (Matthew 26:39)
  • As Jesus continued to pray in verse 42, how was it different/same compared to verse 39?
  • What did the soldiers do to Jesus in Matthew 27:27-31?
    • Jesus took on our thorns and bore our guilt and penalty, all so we could be free of the thorns that pierced our hearts. At the cross, Jesus redefined our identity thorns.
  • What “thorn” do you need to submit to Christ to be redefined for His glory?
  • Praise Him today for taking on the crown of thorns in your place so you can be free from sin’s tyranny.

your sisters in Christ,

The WWW Team

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