Redefined: Week One

September 17, 2017  - By Well-Watered Women

Hey friends! We cannot wait to start digging into Redefined tomorrow. If you haven’t had a chance to join the Facebook Community Group, you can do that here. For those who plan to follow along but don’t have the study, we’ve given you a loose outline here that covers some of the Scriptures and questions discussed in the book. We’ll also be posting on Instagram at @wellwateredwomen and @wellwateredco using the hashtag #wwwredefined if you want to follow along there.

Week One | Day One

Read: Genesis 1:1-31

Write: The order of Creation


  • What did God call very good?
  • What was man created to reflect?
  • What roles do you have in your daily life?
  • How can you honor God in those roles?
  • How does God’s original design differ from how we live today? (Read Genesis 2)

Week One | Day Two

Read: Genesis 3:1-7

Write: Genesis 3:1


  • What did the serpent ask Eve?
  • How did Eve respond to the serpent?
  • What differences do you see in Eve’s response compared to God’s words in Genesis 2:16-17?
  • How did the serpent respond to Eve in Genesis 3:4-7?
  • What happened when Eve and Adam ate of the fruit of the tree?
  • What “fig leaves” are you using in your life to hide behind?
  • What qualities of the enemy should we be on guard for? Read 2 Corinthians 11:3,14
  • Spend time praying through the brokenness you’ve encountered in this life. Surrender those things to God. 

Week One | Day Three

Read: Genesis 3:8-21

Write: What punishment man, woman and the serpent received


  • What do we read in verse 15 and how does this point us to Jesus? (This is called the protoevangelium – the first glimpse of the gospel we see in Scripture).
  • What descriptions are given on Jesus in Isaiah 53? Do you identity with any of those descriptions?
  • What labels do you wear that Satan has placed on your identity?
  • Write that lie or label down and cross it out. Write the truth of who you are in Christ in its place.
  • Read these verses to see the truth of your identity: John 1:29, Psalm 34:5, Psalm 119:5-6, 1 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 2 Timothy 2:15

Week One | Day Four

Read: Ephesians 2:1-3, Isaiah 53, Luke 23:26-49

Write: Ephesians 2:1-3 as it describes our sinful condition apart from Christ


  • How are we healed? (Isaiah 53:5)
  • How did Jesus use His scars to impact the disciples? (Luke 24:36-41)
  • What scar stories do you have that could bring glory to God and the power of His healing?
  • What invitation did Jesus give the disciples in Luke 24:39?
  • How did the disciples respond in verses 40-43?
  • What changed in verses 44-49?
  • Confess any unbelief in your heart that God is able to heal and use your scars for His glory.

Week One | Day Five

Read: John 10:1-18, Ephesians 1:3-10

Write: John 10:10


  • What do you learn about the shepherd, the sheep and the stranger?
  • What do you learn about Jesus in verses 7-18?
  • Write John 10:14 and answer what it means to know the shepherd.
  • Read Ephesians 1:3-10 and write down the spiritual blessings you’ve been given in Christ.
  • Read 1 Peter 2:21-25 and praise the Lord for laying down His life to redeem yours from being lost.

your sisters in Christ,

The WWW Team

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