One Year Give-Away!

May 20, 2014  - By Well-Watered Women

Sweet Friends,
I am so excited to celebrate Life Lived Beautifully’s one-year anniversary! I wish I could give every single one of you a gift to show my appreciation for you, but for now one woman will receive a Give Me Jesus Journal through a giveaway!

You can enter the giveaway today until Friday. Enter in as many times you would like! I want this giveaway to be an encouragement to you and your friends (not an advertisement). My passion is that Life Lived Beautifully encourages you to share your faith and speak life through social media. Here are a few things you can do:

  1. Repost this picture on Instagram and share what “Give Me Jesus” means to you and/or what God is teaching you in your quiet times. Tag @lifelivedbeautifully (either in the comment or in the picture) as well as #givemeJesusjournal and #lifelivedbeautifully.

Give Away Life Lived Beautifully

  1. Post a picture of what you are learning in your study of the Bible. This could be any creative picture! It could also be of a verse or of something that God has used to remind you of Himself. Tag @lifelivedbeautifully (either in the comment or in the picture) as well as #givemeJesusjournal and #lifelivedbeautifully.
  2. Take this quick survey to help me pray through the direction of Life Lived Beautifully! You receive FIVE entries for doing this!
  3. Write a letter to a friend encouraging them and tag #penandinkproject and @lifelivedbeautifully.
  4. Comment on a blog post. (any of them:)
  5. Share your story. I love hearing your story. I wish I could sit down and have coffee with everyone of you! Email me at and let’s have “coffee” together through email! I would love to share more stories of women who are living their life beautifully on the blog!
  6. Sign up to receive Life Lived Beautifully emails! (If you have already done this comment below so I can write you down and give you credit.:)
  7. Like Life Lived Beautifully on Facebook!
  8. Follow Life Lived Beautifully on Twitter
  9. Share any of Life Lived Beautifully’s picture on Facebook with #lifelivedbeautifully to receive more entries!
  10. Purchase something from the shop today to support Bright with his surgery in Ghana!

I am so excited about this! I pray you are encouraged through entering. Praying for you!



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  1. says:

    So happy you are doing this! Thank you 🙂

  2. Tracy says:

    So happy you are doing this! Thank you 🙂

  3. Nateandtracey@gmail.con says:

    Happy anniversary! I know I’ve already won one of your give-always, but its worth a shot to enter this time around, too! I really want one of your journals!!!

  4. Tracey O. says:

    Happy anniversary! I know I’ve already won one of your give-always, but its worth a shot to enter this time around, too! I really want one of your journals!!!

  5. I just recently found out about Life Lived Beautifully. I absolutely LOVE this site! Hope I win this giveaway! I would be way stoked! 😀
    Fairbanks, AK

  6. I just recently found out about Life Lived Beautifully. I absolutely LOVE this site! Hope I win this giveaway! I would be way stoked! 😀
    Fairbanks, AK

  7. says:

    Hi! I’ve already subscribed to your website. Also I took the survey but for my email address I accidentally put two of my emails together so it’s wrong…lol. If you could change it to this one that’d be great. Thanks! I really hope I win!

  8. Ashley Tippins says:

    Hi! I’ve already subscribed to your website. Also I took the survey but for my email address I accidentally put two of my emails together so it’s wrong…lol. If you could change it to this one that’d be great. Thanks! I really hope I win!

  9. says:

    I love your blog. I just randomly came across it. I love finding new inspiring blogs. Part of my hobby. Love the motto and the though behind your page! God bless! 🙂

  10. Bety says:

    I love your blog. I just randomly came across it. I love finding new inspiring blogs. Part of my hobby. Love the motto and the though behind your page! God bless! 🙂

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