Introducing the Flourish Collection!

August 31, 2016  - By Well-Watered Women

“The righteous flourish like the palm tree  and grow like a cedar in Lebanon. They are planted in the house of the Lord;  they flourish in the courts of our God.” Psalm 92:12-13

The first time I read Psalm 92:12 was in a sermon of my Pawpaw’s. He was a pastor who preached with great creativity and power. He titled his sermon “Palm Tree Christians” and shared about how the Christian should live a life that flourishes by being deeply rooted in Christ. I never forgot his word picture, and when I started praying and writing this new study on the fruit of the Spirit, I knew the name had to be “Flourish.” Most days I don’t feel like I flourish or live like a “palm tree Christian,” but I desire to flourish with all my heart. I often struggle to survive and make my way through to-do lists and plans that go differently than expected. I am grateful for God’s grace in the everyday and for His ability to live the life He has called us to in Christ!

Growing up in the church, I often heard about the fruit of the Spirit and can list them off to you, but I had never gone through each one of them and studied them in light of the gospel. As I studied and wrote this study with my sister, Kara Holmes, God opened my eyes to realize that producing this fruit is impossible in my own strength. In order to live a life that flourishes, we have to plant our roots deeply in the Word of God and abide in Christ. The Spirit tills up the soil of our hearts and the Heavenly Gardener, God our Father, waters us and makes us grow this fruit for His glory. The fruit of the Spirit is not about us; it is about Christ.

This is what Flourish is about. It is about dying to ourselves and our flesh so we can truly LIVE in Christ. It is about clinging to His Word and letting the Holy Spirit water us and make us new each day. It is about abiding in Christ and letting Him be the main character in our story. Flourishing is about Jesus and living like a “palm tree Christian”, as my Pawpaw once said. It is my prayer as we launch the new “Flourish” line of products, that we would be women who flourish in Christ and produce lasting fruit for His praise and His glory! 

Flourish Bible Study

The Flourish Bible study is an 8-week study that breaks down the fruit of the Spirit. Each week there is a coloring page that you can fill in and eventually tear out to hang or frame! 

You can go through this study individually or with a group! We will be going through this study starting September 12th on Instagram and Facebook Live! I hope you can join us!

We have also created a curated Flourish Playlist for you to listen to as you go throughout the study!

You can find a FREE Flourish Leader Guide here!

You can also receive a free flourish art print here to download, print, and frame!

Flourish Verse Cards

The Flourish Verse Cards consist of 8 specific verses from the study. We wanted to create a beautiful way for you to hide God’s Word in your heart! These verse cards are 4×4 and can be hung or framed in your home! Share about how you use the cards using #llbflourish on social media!

Flourish Tumbler & Notepad

We are excited to introduce the new notepads to this collection! We want to create practical tools for you to use each day and be reminded of His faithfulness! 

Flourish Bundle

You can purchase the “Flourish Bundle” which includes the study, tumbler, verse cards, and notepad here and receive 10% off!

Mercies Are New Mug

Lamentations 3:22-23 reminds us that the Lord’s mercies are new every morning. This promise is one that we can cling to every day! This mug has a hand-lettered declaration and reminder on it of this verse that says: His mercies are new today

Turn Your Eyes Mug & Notepad

It is all too easy for us to find our identity in our lists, dreams, and goals. The new “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” mug and notepad are meant to be physical reminders to you to look to Jesus for your joy and worth!

Grace Upon Amazing Grace Shirt

We are excited to introduce to you the new Grace Upon Amazing Grace Shirt! We all need a physical reminder that of the glorious grace of God that we have received in Christ! We hope you enjoy wearing this shirt and that it is an opportunity for you to share the love of Christ with others!

I can’t express to you how excited we are about this new line. It has taken months and months of hard work to create, and we pray that God is glorified in it all!

Find the entire Flourish line here!

Free Lock Screens For YOU!

I am praying for you right now, friends. I am praying that we would be women who flourish in Christ for His glory! Excited to go on this journey with you!

Your sister, 


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  1. Ashley says:

    Hi! Is the Flourish collection available? i couldn’t find it and the link didn’t work. Thanks!

    • Well-Watered Women says:

      Hey Ashley! Flourish is currently out of stock. We are in the process of redesigning it, and it’ll be released again in February! Stay tuned! 🙂

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