Hey sisters,
We’ve been hinting at something big that is coming to Life Lived Beautifully soon, and Monday is the big day! God has been leading us in a new direction for a while and after much prayer, we are finally taking the leap and following Him into the great unknown and changing our name! I can’t share much more today, but what I will share with you is this:
Following Jesus is always worth it, but sometimes it looks backwards from this world.
Actually, it pretty much always looks backwards from this world! I’ve been learning this in my own walk with Him. The way of the kingdom of God is upside down from the way society operates. He says “be still” when the world says “hurry and hustle up.” He says “trust and surrender” when the world says “hold those reigns tighter!” He says “rest and be refreshed by streams of living water” and the world says “rest is overrated and a waste of time.” He says “follow Me and build My kingdom” and the world says “gather more followers and build your own kingdom.”
The amazing thing is, God’s way is the only way that works. The path of humility is really the path to joy. The road of obedience is really the road to fullness. The journey of reckless abandon is really the journey to knowing God Himself. That’s the road that I want to take, and that is the road that we will continue walking with you.
On Monday morning, our email subscribers will be the first to find out what we are changing our name to! Be sure to stay tuned to our email, blog, and Instagram accounts for what God has been leading us to do! We, as your sisters in Christ and co-laborers for the gospel, would love your prayer for boldness and confidence as we follow Jesus and do things backwards. We are grateful for you and can’t wait to bring you into this new season with us!
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