A God-Sized Dream Come True

August 6, 2014  - By Gretchen Saffles

Ever since I was a little girl, I have longed to meet my prince charming. Most of you probably understand this desire. I watched about every princess movie available, imagined ridiculous, fairy-tale ways we would someday meet and even slept in a princess night gown…just in case he came to sweep me away! (a girl’s gotta be prepared, right;) Those years of dreaming led to a commitment in the 7th grade to save myself until marriage and to wait for my future husband. I’ll never forget writing my first letter to my future husband. I placed it carefully in a pink envelope with my favorite sticker on it and sealed it with a kiss. Thus began years and years of waiting, writing and learning what real love stories are all about.
Unopened Lettes

I dreamed of writing a book one day with the Lord for other girl’s who were waiting for their future husbands. However, I knew this wouldn’t happen until God had fulfilled His promise to me and taught me invaluable truths from His Word. I have cried buckets of tears, filled up over twenty journals and rejoiced at God’s faithfulness. This book has been twenty-five years in the making. It is raw, vulnerable and my testimony of how the gospel has changed my life. And, today, I sit here with the book in hand, a God-sized dream come true. This book is my heart, it is a gift to the Lord.

It is not a book about becoming the right girl to meet a man. It is not a book to help you become yourself. It is not a book of check-lists or rules to follow. It is a book about Jesus. I pray that as you walk with me through my journey in life, that you will see with new eyes God’s intentions in earthly love stories. I pray that, if you are single, you will take heart and be encouraged that you are in a love story far beyond what you could ever imagine.

Beloved sisters, the story was never about us. It’s always been about Christ. And in Him, you will find true love and everlasting life. God still writes beautiful love stories that glorify His name. You are currently in it. Let us learn what it means to be women who madly love Jesus and walk confidently in His never-ending love.

You can purchase “A God-Sized Love Story” here on Kindle! It will also be available for purchase as a pdf at the Etsy store later today!

waiting on Jesus with you,


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  1. mckenziehopelynn@outlook.com says:

    Does it come out on anything besides kindle? I don’t have a kindle or any sort of tablet, but would absolutely love to read this!

    • gretchen.saffles@gmail.com says:

      Hey McKenzie!
      That is a GREAT question! 🙂 We are going to make it into a pdf today as well and I will put that up at the Etsy store! I will write you back when it is finished. 🙂

    • gretchen.saffles@gmail.com says:

      McKenzie, here is the link to the Etsy pdf! 🙂 http://goo.gl/3m6drb

  2. McKenzie Hope Lynn says:

    Does it come out on anything besides kindle? I don’t have a kindle or any sort of tablet, but would absolutely love to read this!

  3. As a writer, and a lover of Jesus, I am so thrilled for you, sister! God is good.

    • gretchen.saffles@gmail.com says:

      Thank you, Nina, for your encouragement and support! It means the world to me!

  4. As a writer, and a lover of Jesus, I am so thrilled for you, sister! God is good.

  5. Wow! SO proud of you, girl! I can’t wait to read it! I made a similar commitment in middle school and have since written a handful of letters, though in college I felt the Lord’s leading to stop and refocus for a while. I cannot wait to read your story and I already stand so encouraged by your commitment to trust the Lord and pursue what He puts in front of you.

    • gretchen.saffles@gmail.com says:

      That is such a beautiful story! I pray that our story encourages you to trust Jesus fully with each moment! Those letters are a treasure and won’t be wasted. It is all for His glory!

  6. Bailey Jean says:

    Wow! SO proud of you, girl! I can’t wait to read it! I made a similar commitment in middle school and have since written a handful of letters, though in college I felt the Lord’s leading to stop and refocus for a while. I cannot wait to read your story and I already stand so encouraged by your commitment to trust the Lord and pursue what He puts in front of you.

    • gretchensaffles says:

      That is such a beautiful story! I pray that our story encourages you to trust Jesus fully with each moment! Those letters are a treasure and won’t be wasted. It is all for His glory!

  7. Mckenziehopelynn@outlook.com says:

    Thank you! So excited to read it!!!!! ☺️

  8. McKenzie Hope Lynn says:

    Thank you! So excited to read it!!!!! ☺️

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