Frosty Windows of Grace

February 5, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

Frosty windows once changed my life. Rewind three years ago to December 31, 2011. At the end of each year, my mom, sister, and I look back at the previous year and thank God for what He did, as well as pray big prayers for our family for the upcoming year. This has become one of our most treasured traditions. That particular year, we prayed that God would lead me to my husband and I would get married. All in 2012. It was a big prayer, but one that we truly felt God stirring us to write down, pray, and believe that He would be able to accomplish.
That January, the cold winter of Tennessee brought a heavy frost each morning. Early in the month, I would wake up early to go to work and realize that my car windows were scraped off. Every day. For a few weeks. I asked around and questioned my roommate, but no one confessed to cleaning my windows. So I made the most logical conclusion about my car – my windows didn’t frost anymore. 

Frosty Car Windows

I know, I know, that makes NO sense at all. But in the moment it made perfect sense in my head. There was only one more person that could have been cleaning my windows, but I pushed the idea out of my mind. Up until this point in my life, I had never had a boyfriend, never kissed anyone, and never even held hands. In the 7th grade, I made a commitment to the Lord not to date anyone until I knew that the person would be my future husband. I prayed for years and years and cried buckets of tears in the process of waiting, but God faithfully responded to my aching heart with His satisfaction and anticipation.

I had recently moved to Tennessee to work at a church and met a man named Greg Saffles. His crystal blue eyes, faithful pursuit, and love for Christ made me nervous. He almost seemed too good to be true. We worked together at the church and for months he had been making his affections known through serving me. Up until this point, I had been praying that the Lord would make things clear, but was afraid to step into a relationship with someone. Little did I know, he was the mastermind behind my car windows being cleaned off every morning.

Even though I suppressed the idea that it could be Greg, deep down I knew it had to be him. The sacrifice. The tender care. The humility. It was all so new that I didn’t know how to recognize it much less receive it. It wasn’t until February 4th that I finally asked Greg if he had been cleaning my car windows and he confessed to this faithful act of pursuit.

If you are anything like me, cleaning the frosty car windows in the morning makes me late every single day. For some reason, my mind seems to forget everyday in winter that it will take an extra ten minutes to get somewhere in order to clean my windows. Greg, in his humility and heart to serve, took on the role of cleaning my windows for me to show me his affection. Needless to say, this heroic act won my heart. The Lord made it evident to me that day that he would be the man I would marry. We began dating and were married by November…all in 2012. (Read more of our love story here)

Nancy Ray Photography

Our God-sized love story is without a doubt orchestrated by God. The frosty car windows were a picture of grace to my heart. I used to think a good love story revolved around candy, chocolates, dancing in the rain, and a dozen roses. Ever since Greg cleaned off my car windows in that January and throughout our marriage, I have learned that love stories are about so much more.

The best kind of love stories that exalt the Lord and last forever are centered on sacrifice, surrender, and servanthood. Too often, we have allowed our idea of love stories to be shaped by the Brothers Grimm fairy tales. When no white horse shoes up on our doorsteps, our hearts are broken. Once we walk down the aisle and say “I do” to forever, we are quickly faced with the reality of our sinful hearts. Two sinners in a marriage can make a mess. Two sinners saved by grace in love with Jesus makes a glorious picture of grace.

In the same way Greg pursued me by cleaning off my car windows each morning, Christ pursues us. Christ was there when the world was created in Genesis. The theme of redemption is woven all throughout Scripture. All of the Old Testament points to the coming of Jesus. And yes, friends, He came. He lived a sinless life and took on ALL of our sins at the cross. He was tortured, beaten and mocked – all for our sake. He embraced death on our behalf. Talk about sacrificial love!

Not only that, He is the Valiant Conquerer! 1 Corinthians 15:56-57 tells us:

“The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

He mastered death and He holds the keys of Death and Hades. (Revelation 1:18) Christ did all of this so we could be restored to a love relationship with Him. He loved us to the end. He sacrificed His life so that He could offer us eternal life. Sacrifice. He gave it all so that we could have it all. Surrender. He humbled Himself to the point of death on a cross. Servanthood.

Photo by Nancy Ray

Friends, Christ is your Love Story. You are pursued, loved, and worthy because of His shed blood. The ultimate love story of the Bible is not all chocolate and roses. It is grace, truth, hope, and redemption. That is what a God-sized love story is all about. Let’s not miss His pursuit. Let’s not look to the world to write our love stories. Instead, let’s look to Jesus, the Satisfier of every longing and Holder of our hearts. He is worthy. He is the core to every eternal love story.

I don’t know where this season of life finds you. Whether you are single, dating, or married, I pray that you would let God write your love story and that you would look first to Him to satisfy your longings for love. Let Him redefine what “happily ever after” looks like. God still writes amazing loves stories. Let’s hand Him the pen today and watch and see the glorious story unfold.

(Engagement photos by Nancy Ray Photography)

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  1. Dear Sister,
    I am so grateful that the Lord lead me to your website! ♡ I have been richly blessed by the goodness of JESUS that radiates from your life and words! This post was such a refreshment to my heart. ♡

    You are such a kindred heart sister and our stories are so similar, with the exception that I am single.

    Jesus has so beautifully pursued my heart and satisfied beyond expression. He is matchless! ♡ He truly, “satisfies the longing soul…”! (Psalm 107:9)

    I am thanking Him for sharing His goodness through you and asking Him to continue to encourage your heart in Him!

    With much love in our Jesus Who is our Love Story,

  2. Just what I needed to hear this morning. At the beginning of this year one of my dear friends and I prayed that I would meet and marry the man God has for me this year. After reading your story and seeing someone else who committed to only guy you’d date be your husband. So many similarities it got me super excited to see what God is going to do, to see the story He has been writing play out before my eyes.

  3. This is so absolutely beautiful. Such a trusting relationship in the Lord, thank you for sharing!Ashton

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