Do You See Him?

March 9, 2017  - By Gretchen Saffles

“When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son o man that you care for him?” Psalm 8:3-4

I’ve often prayed, “Lord, I want to see You,” as if God were hiding Himself from me. I’ve begged, “Lord, I want to hear You,” as if He has gone silent. He reminded me this morning that He has not stopped speaking, or gone into hiding, I have gotten too busy and stopped listening and looking. God, as Creator, is reflected in His creation (Psalm 8:1-4). His thumbprint is on this world. Scripture points us to see Christ clearly all around us…

The heavens above declare His glory (Psalm 19).

The trees that surrounds our houses clap joyfully and praise Him (Isaiah 55:12). 

The flowers I buy at the grocery store that fade away are a reminder that life is fleeting, but God’s Word enduring (1 Peter 1:24-25).

The light from the sun is His garment; it exposes the darkness like the gospel exposes and rescues our hearts (Psalm 104:2).

The branches that stretch our their limbs remind us to remain attached to Jesus, our Source, our Sustenance (John 15). 

If you feel like the Lord has gone silent or hidden Himself from you, my challenge to you this week would be to open up your eyes and look around. He is speaking, He is moving, He is with us. The words on the pages of the Bible are alive around us. Let’s be overwhelmed by His goodness and marked by His thumbprint.

Jesus, envelop us with Your presence. Open our eyes to see You and behold Your glory! Amen.

gazing at the beauty of creation,


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  1. Jacy2 says:

    I am blessed to have found this study. I needed reminded that he was not silent nor hiding, it was me.

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