Cheering You On

July 17, 2015  - By Gretchen Saffles

Reading: Philippians 2:19-30, Hebrews 3:13, 1 John 4:19

Be Still And Know:

But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. // Hebrews 3:13

Drink Deep From The Well:

Jesus-followers should be the greatest cheerleaders. The Lord made the body of Christ to be united in heart and mind, cheering each other on, sacrificing to encourage each other, and championing one another in love. While Paul sat in prison, the church sent Epaphroditis to visit him and send their affection and encouragement. Paul described Epaphroditus as his “brother, fellow worker, fellow soldier,” and the church’s “messenger and minister” to his need. You may never have heard of Epaphroditus, but he had an important role in Paul’s ministry and in the kingdom of God. He was Paul’s cheerleader.

Paul also longed to send Timothy to the church so he could be “cheered by news of you” (verse 19). The encouragement was mutual. Both the church and Paul, their sent-out missionary, were uplifted by each others concern and love. This model of humility is modeled by Jesus Christ. Again, we are reminded of what it means to “do nothing from selfish ambition or concert, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves” (Philippians 2:3). By taking on the “mind of Christ Jesus,” we lay down our own interests and seek the welfare of those around us. Such humility is not natural, it is learned and it is given by Jesus living in us.

Cheering each other on in the Lord is vital to healthy relationships. We weren’t created to live life alone. Paul’s heart was strengthened by the church, and likewise, their boldness for Christ was strengthened by Paul’s ministry. In a sense, they championed one another’s calling. They didn’t try to out do one another or compete. Instead, they loved one another fervently like Jesus first loved them. How is this displayed in our relationships everyday? Take a moment to evaluate the friends and family the Lord has placed in your current life situation. Do you listen to them? Do you take time to encourage them through words, action, and deed? Do you pray for them, cheer them on, and sacrifice to point them to the Lord? There is great joy in laying our lives down to build another up. Jesus lived this truth by laying his own life down for us. “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).

Cheer each other on in Christ. Champion your sister, your brother, your child, and your spouse today. Seek the interests of Christ and follow His walk of humility. 

Ask and Apply:

  1. What does Hebrews 3:13 tell us to do? How does this relate to cheering each other on?
  2. How can you daily encourage the body of Christ?
  3. What does Paul tell the church to do for Epaphroditus in verses 29-30? How can we do this for fellow workers of the Lord?

Today I Learned:

The body of Christ is meant to encourage one another everyday.

Today I Will:

Take time to celebrate the work God is doing in those around me. I will pray for friends and encourage them with Scripture.

Pray BIG:

Father, remake our interests to model Yours. Instead of focusing on ourselves at the start of the day, we want to fix our eyes on Jesus and encourage those around us. Because Christ first loved us, so do we love. Thank You for the cross. It is our model for life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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  1. Nina Tidwell says:

    What a wonderful reminder! I am a pastor, and am planning a women’s event, and this subject of encouraging others, is a great Biblical theme and Truth! Thank you for the inspiration.

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