Are You Ready?

August 6, 2017  - By Gretchen Saffles

Hey sister,

I am so grateful you are going to take this journey with me. This is going to not only be a journey of letting go of the “dried-up” life we’ve been living; it will be a journey of grabbing hold of the abundant life that Jesus came to give us! The well-watered woman is a woman who daily drinks deep from the Well of God's Word and finds her satisfaction and joy in Christ alone. She has tasted Jesus and she can’t get enough of Him. She knows that this world isn’t her true home, and she has been redefined in Christ. Doesn’t that sounds amazing?

I am tired of wasting precious time searching for satisfaction in all the wrong things, living only off of the droplets of Jesus, and allowing the things of this world to dry up my joy. Are you? We were meant for more than the "dried up, keep trying, never getting there kind of life."

We were created to be well-watered women who find all our satisfaction and joy in Christ alone. It’s time we stopped allowing Satan to distract us from our mission and the things that will give our life purpose. It’s time we started living each day with eternity in mind. All the promises of God’s Word are ours today if we would just read them, cherish them, and live them.

If you are with me, and if reading this stirs your heart, join me in the call to be well-watered women. This series will take you through what this looks like and how choosing to “drink deeply from the Well” of God’s Word will impact your life for eternity. As your read, pray, and seek the face of God, I pray that you will be inspired to live for eternity by being faithful in the "here and now." This life is so brief, but what is coming is forever. Let’s live our days for what is to come, worshipping Jesus with our whole hearts, and telling the whole world about Him.

Drinking deeply from the Well,


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  1. says:

    I’m thankful for this ministry. I’m looking forward to this encouraging challenge to live well watered in his word. Thank you! Praising the Lord for you.

    • says:

      Lauren, thank you for your encouragement! It blesses me so much!!

  2. says:

    I am so thankful for these bible studies! I love the way you help me dig deeper into the Word so I can apply it to my life.

    • says:

      Thank you, Sally! You have no idea how much that blesses my heart to read. God is so good!

  3. says:

    Looking forward to it!!!

  4. Yay! When does this begin ?

  5. says:

    Yes yes!

  6. says:

    Looking forward to this series! These studies have helped me grow so much in the Lord and gave me a hunger for God’s word. Thank you so much.

    • says:

      Amen! I am so grateful you are joining us and am thankful for your words of encouragement!

  7. says:

    Amen, sister!!!

  8. says:

    Yes! Looking forward to join all well watered women! I am so blessed by this blog.

    • says:

      I am so grateful you are joining us! Thank you for your encouragement Elaine!

  9. says:

    What time does this series begin and how do I join you?

    • says:

      Scroll down from this post and go to previous August 7 Holy Hunger. I had a hard time finding it too, because the 6 th comes up not the 7th

      • says:

        Thanks Sara!! I updated the link to go straight to the blog for everyone to find the posts!

    • says:

      We will share each morning at 6 AM!

  10. says:

    I am pretty well dried up. I need this, thank you Gretchen

  11. I’m with you!

  12. says:

    I’m joining!!

  13. says:

    I’m in and so excited!!!

  14. says:

    I am in. Looking forward to the journey.

  15. Looking forward to this series!

  16. says:

    Looking forward to this series! Love getting your posts. They are inspiring. Thank you for sharing with us.

  17. says:

    Looking forward to this!

  18. says:

    Can’t wait to join my sister in Christ in this!

  19. says:

    Cannot wait to do this! Thank you for following God’s prompting and providing this series. x

  20. says:

    Looking forward to this series! I am so encouraged by all the posts here and on instagram, you are truly blessing so many lives – mine included! Need to drink deeply and more often!

  21. says:

    I also long to drink deeply from the well. I look forward to this series!

  22. says:

    I can’t wait for this series to begin !!

  23. says:

    Love this! And your heart for encouraging and empowering women around the world through God’s Word! He is starting a movement through you and it’s so exciting to see!

  24. says:

    I am always encouraged by you sharing your love for God. Thank you for sharing and inspiring me and so many others to seek after Him with our whole hearts ❤️

  25. says:

    Also have joined and so looking forward to this. Thank you!

  26. says:

    This is a journey I’ve longed for! So very ready to begin & become a WWW!❤️💦

  27. says:

    I live far away from being with my sisters in inthe Lord, im needing closer friendships that talk about our Lord, this will help me get connected AGAIN, its what I need to Get closer to Him.
    I look forward in this new journey.

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