A Prayer of Personal Decrease + Kingdom Increase

October 21, 2021  - By Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus

Personal Decrease, Kingdom Increase - an Article from Well-Watered Women

Editor’s Note: This excerpt is from Michelle Myers, She Works His Way: A Practical Guide to Do What Matters Most in a Get Things Done World, “Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group,” 2021. Used by permission. http://www.bakerpublishinggroup.com

A Prayer of Personal Decrease + Kingdom Increase

Father, you alone are worthy of my worship.
May my head, my heart, and my hands respond to all you are.
Keep me in awe of your majesty every moment,
With incessant wonder and amazement that my Creator knows me.

Everything begins with you, God,
And you have already orchestrated the end.
Meet me here in the middle,
And be as sure in presence as clearly as your creation can be seen.

Keep my gaze on you,
And show me deeper parts of who you are each day.
Make me increasingly aware of the giant gap that exists between you and me.
Make my dependence on you obvious to everyone around me. 

Motivate me by what Jesus has done,
Not simply what I can do.
Replace the pressure to be known by the world,
With overwhelming peace that I know you.

Forgive me when I make other things bigger than I make you.
Especially forgive me when I elevate myself and my own importance.
Help me fight against my pride,
So my pride doesn’t fight against my kingdom impact.

Destroy my efforts that are rooted in selfish ambition.
Erase my desire to have any part of the glory that only belongs to you.
Expose my motives and abolish every stronghold.
Take every thought I have that sets itself up against you,
And make it obey Christ.

Help me hunger for humility.
You must increase, Lord,
And I must decrease.
Rewire my brain to know I do not need to increase to make you increase.
Focus my energy on your increase alone.

I’m willing to plant, and I’m willing to water,
But I know you are the one who gives growth.
So grow my faith, Lord.
And use my life to point others to you. 


Meet the Authors:

Michelle Myers and Somer Phoebus' prayer in writing She Works His Way: A Practical Guide for Doing What Matters Most in a Get-Things-Done World is for God to set women free from the bondage of trying to be everything the world expects them to be while also aiming to be the woman he created them to be—and that they will just aim to be his. They both share the lessons they learned that challenged culture's good things so they could find the greatest thing: God himself. And it can be your story too. You can read Chapter 1 for free here, and order the book here.

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Personal Decrease, Kingdom Increase-an Article from Well-Watered Women

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