The Well-Watered Woman

February 10, 2016  - By Gretchen Saffles

In January of 2015, I shared about how God was calling me to live a well-watered woman who loves the Lord more than this world. I had spent so many days living like a dried-up well instead of living out of the overflow of all that Christ has done for me. I shared the vision with the Life Lived Beautifully community and many of you jumped straight into the deep waters of this calling. It has been over a year since I shared this first post and the Lord has continued to develop what it means to be a “well-watered woman.” The new “Well-Watered Women” study is meant to equip and encourage you to fill up on the ways of Christ.

I pray that it is a tool you can come back to often in your walk with the Lord for refreshment and a reminder that we were meant to live for so much more than the dried-up, keep-trying, never-getting-there kind of life. We were meant to live in the fullness of Christ – each and every day.

The study is designed for you to go through slowly and intentionally. I have created a breakdown below for you to use as you go through it and seek the Lord in how you can daily live as a well-watered woman who loves God’s Word more than this world. I will be sharing what God is teaching me on Periscope as He lays truth on my heart to share! You can find the study here as well as the new Ephesians study that you can use as a follow-up study to then dig into Scripture daily.

Below is a breakdown for you to use with this study. You can also print off a PDF version to print here!

  • Day 1 (February 17th) – Read pages 2-3 and write down what it means to live as a well-watered woman. Look up the verses mentioned on page 3 and write down what this would look like practically in your day-to-day life.
  • Day 2 (February 18th) – Fill out pages 4-5 (a well-watered woman). Take time to read through John 4 and pray about what it means to be filled with the “living water” Jesus promises us. Meditate on Psalm 36:5-9.
  • Day 3 (February 19th) – Read pages 6-7 (bring your empty cup) and study Isaiah 55. Break down the passage and meditate on the truth we are given.
  • Day 4 (February 20th) – Fill out pages 8-9 (a call to come). Reread Isaiah 55 again out loud. Answer the questions and take time to write down what currently fills your cup. How can you come to Jesus each day and let Him fill your empty cup with what is good? Meditate on Psalm 107:9.
  • Day 5 (February 21st) – Read pages 10-11 (a well-watered morning). Evaluate how you spend your mornings and how you can give Jesus the first moments of your day. Meditate on Psalm 90:14.
  • Day 6 (February 22nd) – Fill out pages 12-13 (just give me Jesus). Take time to answer what the phrase “give me Jesus” means to you. Look up the verses provided and pray about how you can live a life that proclaims “give me Jesus” through your thoughts, actions, and words. Meditate on Psalm 143:8.
  • Day 7 (February 23rd) – Read pages 14-15 (the Story that speaks). Praise God for the gift of His Word today. Take time to write down your testimony and how you came to know Christ. Tell someone about what He has done for you and ask the Lord to make your Bible your treasure.
  • Day 8 (February 24th) – Fill out pages 16-17 (treasure the Word). Read John 1:1-5 and ask the Lord to help you know Jesus more fully through the Word of God. Ask Him to give you a holy hunger for Truth. Meditate on Psalm 119:151-152.
  • Day 9 (February 25th) – Read pages 18-19 (a heavenly pursuit). Evaluate what you are pursuing in this life. Write down the quote by A.W. Tozer and place it somewhere to remind you that to pursue Jesus is to pursue the greatest treasure!
  • Day 10 (February 26th) – Fill out pages 20-21 (chase Jesus). What are you chasing? Be completely honest here. Ask the Lord to reveal to you the things you are chasing in this life that are not of Him. Pray Psalm 27:8. Ask Him to give you eternal vision and a passion to run the race of this life for His glory. Mediate on Philippians 3:7-8.
  • Day 11 (February 27th) – Read pages 22-23 (pick up your fork). Write down some practical ways you can study the Bible daily. Make a list of questions to keep in the front of your Bible when you study each day. Think of ways to make your time with Jesus special and set apart from the rest of your day. What would it look like for you to “pick up your fork” daily and eat Truth from the Word of God?
  • Day 12 (February 28th) – Read pages 26-27 (eat Truth for breakfast). What fills your mind? Do you make memorizing the Word a priority? What are practical ways that fit your lifestyle that you can fill your mind with Truth as you go throughout your day? Read Psalm 119:1-16.
  • Day 13 (February 29th) – Fill out pages 28-29 (a mental exercise). Take action today. Write out verses you want to memorize. Ask a friend to hold you accountable. Place it on your wall, your mirror, your planner, and anywhere that you go to fill your mind with Truth? Meditate on Psalm 19:14.
  • Day 14 (March 1st) – Read pages 30-31 (well-watered and overflowing). We can read all day long about what it means to be a “well-watered woman,” but the well-watered woman is a woman who takes action. She obeys the call of Christ and goes to tell others about the Gospel. How are you proclaiming the Gospel to your own heart each day? In your home? In your workplace? To your neighbors? How can you live a life that shares the Gospel without shame and with reckless abandon? Put feet to the things you have studied. Go forth and bear fruit in Jesus’ Name – for His glory. 


After the Well-Watered Women study we are going to go through the Proverbs 31 study over Periscope. If you would like to join in with us, you can purchase the study here!

I am praying this would not just be an idea that we think about, but a lifestyle we live. Let’s bring our empty cups to Jesus and let Him fill us up to overflow!

your sister,


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  1. Lyn Brumbelow says:

    Would you consider putting your periscopes up on Youtube? I know you have in the past. Thanks!

  2. Rosie says:

    Is this study not available any more?

    • says:

      Hi Rosie!

      We are currently out of these studies but are redesigning them for later this year! I hope the blog series on the Well-Watered Woman encourages you!

      • says:

        Looking for 40 of these books for the end of March. Where do we find them?

        • says:

          Hi Shelly! We are currently redesigning them for the fall! If you contact we can look into printing a smaller quantity for you to have for your group!

        • says:

          Hi Shelly! I wanted to write you back again and let you know that we ordered another small amount of the studies! They should be back in stock soon!

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