A Life Lived Beautifully: Yuris Yoon

By Guest Author

A Life Lived Beautifully: Yuris Yoon

As I was reading my Bible in January, the Lord planted an idea in my heart. It is an idea I pray reaches to the ends of the earth for His name. It is an idea that He is watering and growing for His glory. It involves you and me and those around us. It’s an idea to  impact His Kingdom and further the gospel. Ready to hear it? I’d love for you to be a part! I’ve always had a passion for the art of writing hand-written letters. In high school I had a ministry where I would secretly leave letters in my friends lockers to encourage them. I have  had several pen pals over the years and have kept up with many friends through writing with pen and ink, not an iPhone or computer. There’s nothing like the joy of finding a hand-written letter in the mail!

By Gretchen Saffles

The Pen & Ink Project

As I was reading my Bible in January, the Lord planted an idea in my heart. It is an idea I pray reaches to the ends of the earth for His name. It is an idea that He is watering and growing for His glory. It involves you and me and those around us. It’s […]

The Pen & Ink Project

By Gretchen Saffles

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