An Unexpected Attack My first panic attack happened last year on an airplane over to Madrid. Coupled with sickness, little sleep, and a baby who wouldn’t be consoled, my mind and body reacted in a way I had never experienced before. This experience began a season brokenness in my soul that I thought would lead […]

By Gretchen Saffles

Panic Attack + God’s Plan of Attack

Some mornings I wake up with lists and worries swimming around in my head. I grab a cup of coffee and my Bible and sit still in the Word, only to feel like I can’t concentrate because the heaviness of these mind troubles wages war for my peace. Have you ever been here? Maybe this […]

By Gretchen Saffles


As I write this I can hear a little bird singing praises outside of my window. He flies from branch to branch and rests at the very tip top to have a good view of his surroundings. The thought has crossed my mind before that I wish my life were like that bird. With a […]

Birds Don’t Worry, They Sing

By Gretchen Saffles

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