Is your Bible a trophy or a treasure?

By Gretchen Saffles

A Well-Marked Bible: Trophy or Treasure?

The following post is raw. It is a tiny glimpse into a struggle I had with an eating disorder in college, and my heart in sharing it with you is that more women would find freedom from the bondage of eating and image through Jesus. Eating disorders are one of the most hidden sins of our society, especially in the church. As followers of Jesus, we need to stand firm against this yoke of slavery and speak about the lies that women are believing all over the world about their image, food, and worth.

By Gretchen Saffles

Shattered Surrender

As I write this I can hear a little bird singing praises outside of my window. He flies from branch to branch and rests at the very tip top to have a good view of his surroundings. The thought has crossed my mind before that I wish my life were like that bird. With a […]

Birds Don’t Worry, They Sing

By Gretchen Saffles

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